Chapter 21

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I was at home watching Kirishima and the others trying I escape. I was never such a nervous wreak!

"Dear he will be fine. Kirishima is a smart boy."

"I know Mom but... I... I want to just go to him and make sure he is okay! I hate standing around and doing nothing..." my heart sank as I realized I'm feeling what Kirishima did back at camp.

"If your that worried why not fly to him? I hate to see you so worried hun."

I smiled and hugged my mom. I'm lucky to have her. "I wish I could I'm to scared to show anyone my dragon side..." My mom gave me a gentle smile and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Hun, some time you will have to let them know. When your a hero you can't hide it. Maybe not now is the time to tell them, but sooner or later you will realize you can trust them. Especially Kirishima, you two are very close. So if anyone deserves to know it's him. I know why your scared but, I can tell Kirishima isn't like your old "friends".

I nodded and knew what she meant. She's right I shouldn't be hiding this from him I'm just scared... "Yea I know... I'll try to you know be less scared." My mom kissed my forehead and left for the kitchen.

"Im glad to hear it. Take your time you'll know when the time is right to tell him. I'm making some snacks, you can invite Kirishima over if you wish."

My mom said as she left me alone in my thoughts... One thing was clear I need to go to Kirishima... All of a sudden I heard the knock on the door. I ran to open it.


"KIRISHIMA!" I jumped and hugged him tightly. "I was worried about you." I let out I heard him chuckle and hug me back.

"Sorry to make you worry Y/n. I told you I was going to go to your place when I'm done didn't I?"

I nodded and let go of him. "Yea, but it was stressful watching it on tv." I chuckled then I felt eyes watching us. It was my dad and brother.

"So Y/n about having something to eat at my place. My parents were worried about me and they didn't prepare any food..."

"Well my mom is making snacks... She said your welcome to join us." I said a bit shyly.

"Yea sure I would love too! Then I have to get back to my parents. I still haven't gotten to them yet. I don't want to make them worry to much."

He chuckled nervously as he rubbed his neck. "You stopped here before you went to your parents?!? They must be worried sick!"

"Yea, but I promised I would stop by. I figured a little bit longer wouldn't hurt. If I told them what I did they will understand."

"I hope so or they might be thinking I'm stealing their son away." I said a bit playfully.

"I don't think it's stealing if I invited myself here and wanted to be with you. I wanted to come here I wanted to be with you."

He smiled and said back to me. His words warmed up my heart, I chuckled to myself when doesn't his words effect me. "Come on I am sure you want to play some games while my mom makes snacks right?"

"Yea you bet! Game on!"

He cheered as we ran upstairs to play video games.

Moms pov

My husband came into the kitchen with a smirk of his face.

"I think our little princess found her true love! What do you think dear?"

I giggled as he hugged my waist. "Yes but they are too young to realize it yet!"

"So your helping them by making heart shape cookies based on their quirks?"

He raised a eyebrow I smiled and nodded. "Yea just to help them out! I mean they are so perfect for each other!" He laughed at me and kissed my cheek.

"You are so evil my dear, I love it. Let me know if you need anything!"

He said as he walked out. "My baby girl is all grown up..."

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