Chapter 18

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*****Niall's P.O.V*****

     "Everything will be okay, babe. I promise." Harry whispered in my ear. I hope he's right. He squeezed my hand lightly giving me a reasuring smile. We dropped hands as he walked over to his mom and I walked to mine.

      When I reached her she wrapped her arms around me engulfing in a hug. I missed her so much! I am so glad to see her.

     "Mom, I've missed you so much." I said to her.

     "I've missed you too. Now who is that boy you were holding hands with? He is very hansome." She asked. "Ni, honey, are you gay?"

     "I don't know mom. Not really. It's just him, it's just Harry. My Harry." I said looking over at him. He was talking to his mom. Like he knew I was looking at him. He looked over at me and gave me one of his perfect genuin smiles. "Would you like to meet him?" I asked her.

      "Yes! I would love to!" She said excitedly like a teenage girl.

      I made my way over to Harry and his mom. I wrapped my arm around Harry's waist. He was still talking to his mom but when he felt my arm he looked down at me and smiled. I leaned up and pecked him lips.

     I looked at my mom. "Harry this is my mom Maura. Mom, this is Harry. My boyfriend. And I am guessing this is him mother. Ms. Cox, right?" I said politely.

     She nodded "But please call me Anne." she said and pulled me into a hug. "Hi Niall. It is amazing to meet Harry's boyfriend. And Maura it is so great to meet you!" She pulled my mom into a hug, too.

     "It is nice to meet you Anne. Harry it is great to meet you." She hugged Him after she pulled away from Anne.

     "Well, would you all like to join me and Harry for a welcome home dinner?" Anne asked.

     "That be great." my mom answered.


     While we were at dinner waiting for our food to come our moms were deep in conversation. They get along quite well which is really good. Anne was asking me questions accasionally and my mom would do the same to Harry.

     I felt Harry's hand go to my inner thigh and rub it slightly squeezing it in places. My breath caught in my throat. My mind was going crazy. He cant do this here. Not infront of our moms.

     "Harry. Babe stop. Not infront of our moms." I whispered.

     "But I can't keep my hands off you. You are just so god damn sexy right now." He whispered back.

     "Ok. But with you doing that,"I said, grabbing his hand. "is just going to make me jump on you and bang you right here and now. And that's not going to look good is it?"

      "I don't think that sounds that bad." He smirked leaning in. It was a peck but our lips lingered longer then usual.

      "Oh my gosh! You guys are so cute together. You are so perfect." Our moms gushed.

      i blushed like crazy and Harry just smirked. He leaned over and kissed my cheak.

      "We are perfect together." He said kissing me again.


      After we ate, we all went home to unpack. As soon as i walked the opposite way as Harry i got a text..... from him. Goodness gracious, does he miss me already? I opened the text and read it quickly.

  From: Hazzaboo<3

 You forgot to give me a goodbye hug. :'(

     I looked back to see Harry standing there pouting. He opened his arms waiting for his hug. I ran to him jumping into his arms.

    "How could i forget the goodbye hug?" I asked.

    "I don't know. But I'll forgive you cause I love you." He said. He let go and we both leaned in for  a kiss. It was long and slow.

    "Bye Harry. I love you. I will see you tomorrow!"


     After i unpacked and was ready to go to bed. I got in bed and layed there for a good 10 minuted then my phone went off.

    From: Hazzaboo<3

Ni, I miss you . I can't sleep without you next to me. :(

   I quickly replied.

I can't sleep either. But we have to try our best. I am going to have to lay here untill I do fall asleep.

     We texted for a couple more minuted before I couln't keep my eyed opena any longer. It feels so differnt sleeping without Harry next to me. But i will see him tomorrow.


Hey everyone!!!!! Sorry it took so long to update. School and Volleyball has kept me busy!!! I hope you like the chapter. Vote and Comment and Fan and Anything else there is to do!!! haha:)

                  xoxo, Madi

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