5 years later....

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" Young miss."


"Please get ready, your magic tutor has arrived!"

"I understand..I'll be on my way soon."


Five years have passed extremely quickly,the kidnapping is now only a childhood memory.
It hasn't left much of a scar other than a regret about using that wish...nightmares can really give someone a heart attack.

But Ever since then I have taken up a numerous amount of things, one of them being an academic teacher, the thought of having to go through maths and literature again started to crumble away my heart..it's not that academics are hard or anything, I actually did pretty good in school, it's just that they're really boring and I mean really really boring so boring that 'boring' isn't a good enough word to use anymore.

Other than that, I have taken up swordsmanship, which at first I cried when I heard I had to take it because jade was taking it as-well and since no outsiders ( other than the tutors ) are allowed into the mansion grounds, that's when Jade thought it would be a good  idea to convince my parents into getting me to be his partner in practice, but after a while, it got pretty easy, I seem to be able to beat Jade now, well it's that or he is purposefully letting me win so I don't give up on swordsmanship.

We practice every Tuesday and Thursday.

And of course I will be saving the best till last,
Magic! I have taken up magic too.

Every noble is required to take tutoring after they turn the age of five, during their fifth birthday party their magic attribute will be announced to the public, usually its only one attribute That they show to have but there are rare instances like mine...and the heroines case where a person will show to have more than one.

Once they turn five they have to train and refine their powers until they enter the academy ( yes the academy is just called 'the academy' I couldn't think of a name after hours of trying to. )
While at the academy their mana and power will be measured and they will be assorted into different classes and levels.

Since I haven't had my fifth birthday debut ball yet, I have yet to let people know about my magic..I have a fire and space attribute, fire:you guys obviously know what it can do and space:just means that I can distort space time and reality e.g:bend a spoon.


My personal magic tutor has said that my ability to exhibit my magic attributes are astonishing for my age...and that I'm Somewhat of a prodigy...that made me really happy..I guess I have all those fantasy anime and mangas to thank hehehehe.

The sad thing is the villainess never really used her powers to their full potential, her powers were only exhausted on the heroine..I will not make the same mistake...hopefully!

I have another lesson..like right now..which I am obviously excited about..todays lesson will be more practical and will not be a lesson of me just learning the history of  the kingdoms magic development...by reading a book..with no pictures....happy days...


Few hours later..

" and that should be it for today, next time we will practice more on combining the two attributes to enhance their abilities..ok?"

"Yes! that would be perfect,I can't wait,I will see you then..until next time." I curtesy as I wave goodbye to the tutor. (I have gotten better at curtsying!) That was a really fun lesson!


"Huh..oh it's jade!...hey!!"

" raelyne..mum and dad are calling for you!"

" really what is this time..?"


I knock on the door and enter..

"Yes mother? Father?...why have you called me?"



"Raelyne, dear did you forget about tomorrow!"

"Huh what's happening tomorrow?"

" we called you here to tell u to get ready we are going shopping, all of us for your birthday tomorrow!"

"Yes madam clevonte has kindly offered to make our attires however due to a tight schedule of our own it had been delayed to the last day, hence why we are going at this moment"


...........why does the world have to be so cruel?....is it too late to say I don't want to go?



*cough* "I'm sorry mother!"


Chapter 11 will be coming out soon...
Thank you for reading this :)

I just want to say a huge thank you again, to all of you guys who are actually reading this cringeworthy story of mine, by the time this chapter is out this story would have reached  almost 500 views, again, this is something I have never imagined That it could be as I only started this story as a way to pass time over the summer holidays...because I have nothing better to do over the holidays 😅

Thank you to all the views, voters and of course my followers!

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