Chapter Two

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"Would you get out of my room?" I growled through gritted teeth as Harry smirked at me.

"Why darling?" He asked, acting confused as I stared him down, hoping that would make him leave. Even though my glare was threatening it didn't make Harry move.

"Because I need to sleep, you and the boys will want to go party later and-." I started just as Louis' voice cut me off as he yelled at me from the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey love! Can we hit that new pub that's opening up tonight?" He cried and I gave Harry a look as if proving my point.

"Lou, it's not even night yet!" I yelled as I went downstairs, desprate to get away from Harry. I came towards Louis and he frowned at me, his blue eyes begging. He grabbed my arm before he wrapped his arms around me.

"But Amanda!" He whined, making me giggle slightly at Louis's behavior. "We gotta go to the pub!" He argued.

"Later, I hate going to pubs with you guys anyway, but I go so I can keep an eye on you four, having a little help with Liam, since Liam chooses not to drink, which is good by the way." I said as Liam walked by me, smiling at what I just said.

"Spare me the lecture." Louis said, the usual sass he had realsing in his tone. I managed to go into the living room, despite Louis's hold on me. I ploped down on the couch and Louis still held onto me, which was kind of annoying at the moment.

"Lou, let go of me unless you wanna get hit." I said, smirking as Louis quickly let go of my arm. Niall came in the living room and ploped down on the other side of me, digging into a sandwhich he just now made.

"So, are we going to the pub tonight?" Niall asked through a mouthful of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, it's rude." Louis said, smirking when Niall rolled his eyes.

"Yes, we're going." I said as Harry came in and started messing with his curls, running his fingers through them and I rolled my eyes. He thought he was so perfect.... Harry saw me staring at him and he smiled at me, his pearly whites showing and I looked away from his goregous face, my cheeks heating up.

Later on, we went to the new pub that had opened and I sat with Liam, making small talk here and there as we both kept a close eye on the boys. Niall and Louis, after a few good hours of dancing, came over and sat with us, both of their faces flushed, their eyes slightly glazed over. I looked around and spotted Harry chatting with some blonde chick, her hand casually resting on his arm as he smiled and laughed, won over almost by his charms. Pain squeezed at my heart and I looked away from Harry, already fed up fpr the night of his acts.

"Um...Liam? I need to go back to the house, I have something important I need to do. Will you be okay here?" I questioned as Liam smiled at me.

"Yeah, I've dealt with the lads before I'll be fine." Liam reassured me and I walked quickly out of the pub. I walked home since the pub wasn't too far from my house. I unlocked the front door and made my way inside the house before I went up to my room and changed into a baggy t-shirt along with some boy shorts before I brushed my teeth and collapsed on my bed. I started flipping through the channels on the TV before landing on Friends, leaving it there as my eyelids fell lower and lower before I fell into a deep sleep.

Apparently, it wasn't a deep sleep because I soon awoken to a few thuds and I squinted as I looked around my room, the TV offering very little light to me at the moment. I turned my lamp on and saw Harry, his green eyes bloodshot, his chesnut curls messier than usual. He was having trouble coming over to my bed, but now since the lamp was turned on he had better vision than before.

"Harry, why are you in here?" I asked, my voice thick with sleep before I glanced at the clock beside my bed which read 2:10, it's red numbers glaring at me angrily.

"Shh babe," Was all Harry said as he stumbled over to the bed, his finger pressed to his lips before he made his way to my bed, standing in front of it before he collapsed on the mattress, passing out on the spot. I groaned and fell back on the pillows, covering my eyes with my hands. I swear, sometimes Harry can be such a pain.....

(A/N Welp, that's it for tonight! Please comment, I would really appreate it! Hope you liked Chapter Two!! Chapter Three is coming up soon! :)

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