Chapter Five

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We all got in my vehile and went to the set for LWWY, my heart thumping nervously the whole way there. We reached the location and my breathing became quick, I so did not want to do this! Niall noticed my behavior and came over to me before the music video got started, his blue eyes hidden by a pair of sunglasses.

"Hey, Amanda are you okay? You don't look so good." Niall said, his thick Irish accent calming me a little as he reached out and touched my forehead, feeling for a fever.

"Fine...,just nervous and scared, utterly horrified. Niall, I don't want to be Harry's love interest in this!" I whined and Niall smiled a little, laughing some as he did.

"Aw, don't worry, it's not like you're actually his girlfriend, you're just acting like you love him." Niall said, hoping to calm me down.

"Exactly." I told him, making him laugh a little more. He was called on set and quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek, something Louis didn't really like. Okay, what was going on with those two?! During a short break, the directior came over with Harry and talked to both of us, explaining what we had to do.

"Okay, you ready for the big kiss scene?" He asked and I widened my eyes at him.

"Kiss scene?" I yelped, "What kiss scene?"

"Harry didn't tell you? None of the boys did?" The directior asked.

"No, they didn't." I said through gritted teeth as I looked over at the boys who were goofing off a few yards away from me. The break was cut short and I was supposed to do my kiss scene with Harry. I did it and I hated it...oh, who am I kidding, I LOVED it. Which, was bad.

Once we got back to the flat, I lost it. "Boys get your arses over here!" I screamed, using the less vuglar British term for...well, I think you can guess. "Why the heck did you not tell me I had to kiss Harry??" I yelled as I went after all them, the boys trying to explain as I chased them around the room, glad Harry was outside at the moment. I got close to Louis and he shrieked like a little girl before putting Zayn in front of him, sheilding himself.

"Kill Zayn, I'm the hot one!" Louis cried from behind Zayn, who rolled his eyes at Louis's words.

"We knew you wouldn't be in the video if we told you, we wanted you to be in it because we love you, you're one of our best friends." Niall explained as Zayn and Liam nodded their heads, Louis peeking from behind Zayn to nod along too.

"Fine, I guess I can forgive you guys." I sighed as I pulled them into a hug. The front door opened and Harry came in, whistling but he stopped when I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What? Am I not allowed to whistle?" He asked, smirking at me.

"Why the heck did you not tell me that I had to freaking kiss you in this video?" I yelled at him and the boys stepped back from me, apparently afraid I would throw something...they knew how I was when I was mad, considering I was hot-headed when I got mad or frusrated.

"Why are you so bothered about it? You've kissed me in the past." Harry pointed out, smiling at me. "Besides, I figured you would want to kiss me."

"Well, you figured wrong." I said, my tone bitter as I grabbed my coat and headed for the front door.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked as he followed me to the front door.

"Out." I explained before I went out to my Range Rover and started it, leaving the driveway as tears sprang to my eyes. I wiped them away quickly...why the heck was I crying? Oh right, because of Harry Styles, the famous heartbreaker who loves to still play with my feelings as if some shiny new toy or something. Ugh... I hated him, I hated the way he made me feel.

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