Chapter Nine

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Later that night, the boys wanted to go back to that newly opened pub and even though Maria and I didn't really want to go, we went anyway to help Liam keep an eye on the boys and to keep him company too. We arrived at the club and after a few hours, Niall had a few too many, even though he kept insisiting he was fine, despite his flushed face, messy hair and bloodshot eyes.

"You know what? I think you're really pretty." Niall confessed to Maria, making her blush crimson. Louis came over to us, his brown hair messier than usual, his eyes bloodshot as well. He looked at Maria before looking at Niall.

"Oi, what'd you do? This girl's blushing like mad!" Louis slurred before he sat beside me and smiled. "Hi love." He said as he gave a little wave, making me giggle.

"Hi Lou," I said, giggiling when he leaned in towards me, wrapping his arm around my waist as he whispered in my ear.

"I have to tell you something important love." He whispered, making me smile. "Okay, guess what it is?" He didn't give me time to answer because he answered, "I'm Superman!" This made me burst out laughing and Louis frowned. "You aren't supposed to laugh, this is very important!" He whined.

"Alright, I'm sorry Lou, I shouldn't have laughed." I said, looking away from Louis to see Harry kissing some girl he met eariler. My heart almost broke in two and I struggled to breathe. I quickly stood up and made my way out of the pub, despite Louis and Liam's cries of protests, along with Niall and Maria's. I ran home and went up to Zayn's room-I would be sleeping in here since Maria was staying here for a few weeks, I wouldn't feel comfortable making her sleep on the couch. I went in his room and collapsed on the bed, burying my face in the pillows, breathing in Zayn's scent which I found comforting.

At about 11:30, I felt Zayn get in bed beside me and rest his arm around my waist. I smiled and cuddled closer to him, knowing he wouldn't mind since we've done it in the past while watching horror movies. Zayn buried his face in my neck which I found a little strange and then I realized that it wasn't Zayn who was beside me, it was Harry. I could tell since the hair that was tickling my face was curly and I could still smell the shampoo Harry used a lot that made his chesnut locks smell like apples. I screamed and Harry jerked away from me before he fell off the bed, clearly startled by my outburst.

"You really need to stop doing that." Harry said as he turned Zayn's lamp on. "Do you want me to break a bone or something?" He asked, groaning as he got up.

"I'll break one for you if you don't get out of here, where's Zayn?" I asked, my tone sharp.

"I asked if he would sleep in my room tonight so I could sleep with you, love." Harry said as he winked at me. Ugh, I feel a headache coming on.....

"No, you are doing no such thing. Get out and tell Zayn to come back in here. In fact, why don't you go back to snogging that girl from the pub, stay over at her place for the night." I said, trying to hide the jealously in my voice. Although, I knew Harry could tell I was jealous because he smirked.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" Harry asked, the paper airplane necklace he always wore dangling from his neck as he leaned over me. I sank back against the pillows, trying to keep as much distance as I could between me and Harry. His lips inched near mine and my breath caught in my throat.

"N-no." I managed to choke out, my nervousness making Harry amused. He stood back up and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright then, darling, whatever you say." Harry said as he left, a smile playing on his lips. I looked up at the ceiling, trying to calm my heart, which Harry always seemed to put into a frenzy.....

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