Chapter Seventeen

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*Harry's pov*

I woke up the next day and ran a hand through my curls, sighing as I did. I went downstairs and saw the whole gang was on the couch, my head screaming with relief when I saw Amanda sitting beside Liam. I smiled at her and she gave me a smile back, but it didn't reach her eyes. I went in the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal before I went in the living room and sat beside Amanda, sneaking glances at her as I ate my cereal. I finished up my bowl and washed it out in the sink, my heart dropping when I saw Zayn and Liam were carrying some of Amanda's bags out to her Range Rover.

I went into the living room and bumped into Amanda, looking down at her, seeing that she had now changed into some different clothes. I frowned at her, my eyes pleading. She walked past me without saying a word and I felt crushed... she was actually leaving? I went in the living room and saw Louis was actually crying, along with Niall. 

"What's wrong with you two?" I asked, trying to act tough even though I was breaking apart on the inside. Louis wiped at his eyes and looked at me.

"Amanda talked to each of us early today while you were asleep, she talked to me and the lads one by one. For a final goodbye." He explained and I felt angry and sad at the same time. She told the other lads all goodbye except for me? Fury consumed me as tears of sadness and pain sprung to my eyes...she couldn't actually be leaving.

I shook my head and ran up to my room. I turned my radio on, speakers blaring as 'Not Over You' by Gavin Degraw came on. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair as I paced before I looked out the window, seeing as Amanda climbed in the Range Rover with Alyssa and Maria..., probably going with her so they could say a goodbye too. I looked at the wall beside the window and punched it, feeling pain shoot up from my hand all the way to my shoulder. I sat on my bed and rested my head in my hands, my thoughts swirling with images of Amanda.

I loved everything about her... I loved the way she bounced her knee up and down when she got nervous, how she loved to read and write all the time..., I loved the way she smiled, laughed, acted.... I just loved everything about her, in my eyes she was perfect, my whole world. I couldn't let her go. I took my head out of my hands and quickly grabbed my shoes, shoving them on as I made my way downstairs and into the living room.

"Where's Amanda boarding her flight at again?" I asked, my face flushed as I looked at all the boys. I sighed impatiently as I waited for them to tell me.

"London Heathrow Airport, why?" Zayn asked as he shot me a confused look.

"I have to stop Amanda, I have to tell her that I love her! That I'm really sure that I do, because I know I do, I need to stop her from leaving!" I explained quickly as I went out to my Audi, surprised when the boys climbed in, Zayn, Liam and Niall fitting tightly in the back as Louis got in the front. I looked at them for a moment and Louis rolled his eyes.

"What, we can't tag along? We're your friends, mate, we wanna see what happens. Now drive!" Louis commanded as I started the car and stomped on the gas pedal, desperate to get to Amanda.....

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