Chapter Eleven

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The day passed by quickly and we were all sitting around the campfire now made, Maria, Alyssa, and I swatting at bugs as they came our way. The boys brought out bags of marshmellows and Harry sat beside me as he placed some on one of the metal sicks that we had brought. He stuck his close to the fire before he brought it back, taking one of the marshmellows off the stick, offering it out to me. I took it and he smiled at me. Slience fell and we looked at the gang, seeing as they looked at us with shocked expressions.

"I'd never thought I see the day when Harry and Amanda actually started to get along." Niall said as he popped a marshmellow in his mouth before draping an arm around Maria's shoulder, making her blush and smile. He pullled her close to him and whispered something to her before they both started laughing. I smiled at the two, they looked so cute together! I heard Alyssa shriek to my left and I looked and saw Zayn behind her, laughing.

"Zayn, you scared me!" She exclaimed as she hit his arm. He smiled at her before apologizing, apparently trying his best to flirt with her. We all finished eating and Louis insisited on telling scary stories, considering it was October and nearing Halloween. I'll admit, Louis really knew how to tell a scary story and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to go to bed now since I was so spooked.

I went towards the tent, feeling Harry walk behind me as I got in the tent. I laid down and rested my head on one of the pillows we had brought, covering up with the many blankets we had in this tent. Harry laid beside me and my heart started to race, my mouth dry. I was really scared about the story Louis had told-him claiming it to be actually true. I groaned inwardly and knew I would regret this later.

"Harry? Um, is it okay if I...cuddle close to you?" I asked, actually tasting bile at the back of my throat. "Lou's story kinda has me scared." I admitted, my pulse quickening when Harry chuckled.

"Sure babe," He said, letting me move closer to him, my head resting against his chest. I listened to his heartbeat and slowly started to fall asleep to the rymthic sound of his heart. My eyes popped open though when I heard a rustling beside the tent. "Harry...?" I whimpered, feeling a little bit safer when Harry held me closer to him, his grip protecting and sheilding me from any harm.

"Don't worry love, I won't let anything hurt you, I promise." He whispered before he looked down at me and then he...then he kissed me. His lips felt so soft against mine as he held me closer. I felt a warmth travel through my body as Harry placed his hand on my cheek, softly stroking at my skin with his thumb, sending both warmth and chills through me. My heart raced as Harry kissed me, I had missed feeling his lips on mine....

I Hate You, You Hate Me -A Harry Styles Love Story-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ