Chapter Four

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"No thanks, I don't think I want to be in the music video, I get sick to my stomach just thinking about it." I said as I glared at Harry, my tone as cold as ice. "No offense boys." I said as I shot the other lads a small smile.

"None taken." Zayn and Niall said together. They seemed understanding about it, except for Louis and Harry.

"But love, you have to be in the video!" Louis said as he held me around the waist and looked down at me with his goregous light blue eyes, a small pout on his lips.

"Oh yeah? Why?" I asked and Louis pulled me closer to him, making my heart beat fast which was werid because I normally don't feel this way around Louis.

"Because I said so," Louis cried with his usual sass, making me raise an eyebrow at him. He gave me a charming smile, "please love?" I looked at Louis and sighed, giving in to the Doncaster boy's charms.

"Fine, but you owe me." I said, smiling when the boys cheered and Louis kissed me on the cheek before smirking at me when I blushed after he pulled away. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Niall cross his arms over his chest and roll his eyes. What was wrong with Niall? Why was he acting so mad whenever Louis was around me?

"Lou? Can you let go of me now? I need to change into some different clothes since I'm going to be in Live While We're Young." I said as I shot Harry a glare, which made him smirk. How I hated him and his cocky attitude.

"Actually babe, they'll have clothes for you at the set. Oh and I got to pick out what you wear since I suggested you be in the video." Harry said, his voice amused.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me! You know what? I fu-." I started but Liam stopped me.

"Watch what you say, Amanda." Innconent Liam said, a small frown on his face. I let out a small scream of frustration and raced upstairs to my room, making sure to grab my phone before I shoved some old converse shoes I had on. Just as I walked into the halllway, I was grabbed by the shoulders and pushed gently against the wall, thinking it was Louis, I looked up at the person and smiled. I felt disgust though when I saw it was Harry.

"Hi love," Harry said, a smile on his face as he brought himself closer to me so I couldn't get away.

"Harry. Let. Go. Of. Me." I spat, my voice like veom.

"Ouch, why so mad love?" Harry asked, his brows furrowing as he looked at me, acting as if he didn't know why I was so mad at him for.

"You know exactly why." I growled, my green eyes burning brightly like fire, Harry's green eyes burning darkly.

"Yep, I sure do. Wasn't it something about how last year you told me you loved me and-" Harry started but stopped when I glared at him, his face amused. "I'm sorry about how I acted last year love, honest." He said, voice truthful as he brushed his fingertips against my cheek, moving a strand of hair from my face. His gaze on me was so intense that it made chills travel up my spine.

"Harry...." I whispered as he leaned in towards me, but quickly pulled away when Louis ran upstairs, his voice reaching us before he reached the top.

"Oi! You two coming or-?" He yelled but stopped when he saw Harry close to me. I cleared my throat and Harry stepped away from me, his eyes downcast as I walked by Louis, who threw Harry a questioning look. I reached the bottom of the stairs and tried my best to calm my racing heart....

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