Season 1 Episode 1

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As the sunsets, the camera pans down onto MemeVille, USA. A shadow approaches. "Hello there! Welcome to MemeVille! My name is Jem, but you can call me Kiwi! The person over there is my ex-step dad's best friend's cousin, Hal!" *points towards the slightly tall person cleaning up after their just recently adopted meme doggo after it did it's business on the front lawn. "Hello!" Hal begins to mutter. "This meme is shit!" Jem looks back at the camera. "You must be the new guy moving into North MemeVille. Isn't your name Kyle or Kylis? OH YEAH! You are the furry, and roleplayer! I was informed by the mayor, Memer, that there was a new person moving in today." Kyle and Jem shake hands. "Well, I am a lot more than a furry and a roleplayer, but anyways. Which house is mine?" Jem points to the house. "It's right between my house and Hal's house! The blue one. Feel free to decorate the outside as much as you want, just make sure it is well within the guidelines." Kyle started to walk towards his house when he heard screaming. "What is that?" Hal looked over at Kyle. "Oh the screaming, they are the dark side of the family living at the Multiverse Mansion. You get use to the noises!" He reassured him. "Yeah, at least they live all the way at the end of the street next to the Pokemon Pagoda. I don't know what makes more noise Multiverse Mansion or Pokemon Pagoda. Anyways, I hope you come to enjoy this lovely town. Animal Abbey is a few blocks away from here." Jem handed him a map. "If you ever get lost, this should help you out a lot." He chuckled. "Thanks a lot. This place seems kind and welcoming!" Kyle thanked them both. "Well, I am going to allow you to scout out the area so you can get used to it more. Have a fun time!" As Jem said that a rabbit hopped out into the road "Come back Beerus!" a little girl screamed after the rabbit. "Piper! How did she get loose again? Cya later neighbor." Jem ran after Beerus and Piper down the street and out of view. "Hello Kyle. Just as Jem said earlier, my name is Hal. Welcome to this wonderful neighborhood!" Kyle shook Hal's hand "I think I might get used to this town." The sun set as Jem, Piper and the rabbit still haven't returned yet. Hal was chilling on the porch with someone. Kyle walked outside and saw them together. "Hi there Hal!" The person sitting with Hal looked over at Kyle and waved. "Hi there! You must be the new kid that Hal was talking about." Kyle waved back and walked towards them. "Don't be rude, come through the gate. It isn't electric or anything." Hal chuckled. Kyle forcefully chuckled and walked through the gate towards the porch. "Oh Kyle. This is Justice, she is one of my roommates!" Justice smiled. "How do you like this town so far?" He shrugged "I think it is good so far. I mean I have only been here for an hour." She giggled. "Well, have you even explored the area yet? Or did you stay in your house all day?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I have been inside all day waiting on the movers to get here." Hal took a sip of their Cobca Colba. "I should have told you sooner. It takes movers a day or two to get over here. It may seem like it shouldn't take much time, but it does. There are a lot of stops they have to go to in order to reach MemeVille. They have a specific pattern similar to truckers." As soon as they said that there was a honk. It was a pickup truck with tinted windows. On the side of the truck was CreepyPasta Crypt. It looked like a company. In the back was jugs of red substances, presumably to be blood. Hal walked up to the van as it rolled the window down enough to slide paper through. They dropped some money into the truck and the window rolled back up. "Finally, it arrived!" They walked to the bed of the truck and grabbed some gallons. "Don't just stand there Kyle, help a fella out!" With that being said both Justice and Kyle helped Hal carry the stuff onto their porch. The truck drove off. "Bye!!" Hal waved after they sat 2 jugs of red liquid down next to the chairs they were sitting on earlier. Someone walked out of Hal's house. "Did you buy more? Really H! Not more blood. . ." Hal swung around. "AHH? Victoria you scared me half to death!!" Victoria laughed. "Hal, who is this dude on our lawn. Please tell me you are not going to get a new roommate! We don't barely have room for Justice, let alone another one!" Kyle looked at Victoria. "Hi there, my name is Kyle and I actually live right there!" he pointed to his house, which now had a sonic poster secured properly between the door and the window. "What is all this . . . blood for anyways Hal? Did you rob a hospital of all their bags?" Hal chuckled "No silly! It's for a project I am working on right now." Justice shuddered "You mean the thing in the bas-" Hal ran over to Justice and covered her mouth. "You have been into my zone? HOW COULD YOU. You have betrayed me!" Justice licked Hal's palm. They flinched back. "You are disgusting Justice!" They all started laughing except Victoria, who was lugging the jugs and containers inside. "Who is that?" Hal smiled at Kyle. "That is our other roommate, Victoria. She is my girlfriend." Hal invited Kyle inside to see some artwork they had completed in the past and gave him a tour which ended in the basement. The basement had two doors, each on opposite sides of the room. If the house was split in half, the basement would be exactly symmetrical. "It is totally different to my place, I wonder what Jem's place looks like." Justice gasped. "You don't wanna know, unless you want to get bombarded by assassins and spies and ninjas." Kyle laughed thinking it was a joke. "You guys really know how to cheer someone up." Hal sighed. "It's the truth. Jem came from the other side of town, closer to the next city over. He had helped the Leagues out with their handywork and in return no one is allowed in his house without their permission, even if Jem says so. If someone were to just waltz in there, well, they would be tortured and used for experiments along with killed in the end." Kyle was shocked. "So, if Jem gave me permission to walk into his house, even with his permission, I would be hunted alive? "Justice looked over at the stairs reliving the day when Hal was almost killed. "Basically, yea. Hal once went into Jem's house, and found someone that made them hunt them. Since Victoria's dad is the mayor, they let them go with a warning." Out of nowhere there was a noise, it sounded like gears shifting. Suddenly they all were falling down into a dark abyss.


Welcome To MemeVille!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang