Season 2 Episode 9

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"That must be what made the noise. Only certain people heard it so it must be only a certain frequency." Kiwi said. "I agree, Kylis didn't seem bothered by it and neither the skeletons or the human near them." Zaidia joked around. "You must be talking about Fresh, Ink, and Justice. I don't think Vic heard it either." Kiwi explained. "I think it might be only celestials and hybrids from other planets can hear it. Maybe it's mythical." Zaidia thought. "I doubt that I'm from Earth and I'm not a hybrid, neither is KJ, Shana, nor Blake." Kiwi said. "Actually Blake and her sister are from Tlera's Planet. I only know this because of the fact I do my research. When I first visited Xeniria's place and everyone said their names I went home and did some research. I know a lot about everyone, probably almost as much as Yanlin does, and he's the creator's little pet." Zaidia looked at Kiwi then back at the incoming asteroid. "I wonder if Xeniria knows about this. I mean the destruction that is gonna rain." Kiwi pondered. There was a thud noise as they turned around, to see Xeniria climbing onto the roof. "Sorry, my running start was kinda terrible." Xeniria said. "Got enough materials?" Kiwi smiled "Oh," She looked at her bag "Yeah, for now. I'll run out eventually." Xeniria rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled. "I think we need to focus on the fact that there's a fucking ASTEROID COMING AT US!" Zaidia said. "I set a prot spell on the house, it's in the centerpoint so it protects the whole place. I can move people into the basement if that helps protect them more. Unless you wanna teleport them away." Xeniria looked at Zaidia. "They might be able to help us." Kiwi grabbed her phone and made a group chat and added them all, and sent a message. Two minutes later they all were on the roof, Sinaiko and Yanlin sat on the edge of the roof with their wings out. Justice, Fresh, Victoria and Hal all sat on a loveseat. How they all fit, no one knows. KJ and Kylis were sitting on the bean bag chairs. Blake and Baija were sitting on the arms of the loveseat. Angelica was sitting on the swivel stool. Kiwi, Zaidia and Xeniria were sitting on the long couch that faces everyone, between Sinaiko and Yanlin. Shana was in the middle of the square they made. Ink stood near Fresh and Justice. They were all there. "Okay, there's a huge problem and we need everyone's help for this." Kiwi said. "There's a problem, an asteroid is coming right at us due to this device." Zaidia held up the circle. Yanlin tried to grab it out of her hands. Everyone looked at him. "How did you get that?" He asked. "It was lying here on the roof. Why, what do you know about it?" She answered him. "I can't really tell you, all I can is that it shouldn't be here. It was supposed to be somewhere on Earth. It's power to attract asteroids from foreign planets. They're more powerful than normal ones that Earth receives." He explained. "How did it get here though? That's the one thing I cannot think of." Zaidia said. "Do you think it was, ya'know, him?" Kiwi asked. "No, neither him nor his people went outside, so that's impossible. Only me, Xav, you all, and the neighbors know where I live and who I am." Zaidia clarified. "Could it be the neighbors?" Sinaiko suggested. "I doubt it, the Jeshin family are nice beings. I don't really go over there anymore since they have their daughter visiting. They've been busy trying to make things perfect for her." Zaidia noted. "Who's their daughter?" Shana asked. "I have no clue, I just know that the other neighbors thinks she's really hot." Zaidia said. "Isn't it close to Halloween, why is nobody decorating?" Kylis asked. "They celebrate holidays differently than us." Kiwi explained. "We already have two skeletons with us, we are celebrating enough." Xeniria laughed. "Anyways we need to figure out what their daughter looks like." KJ joked around. "What exactly do you do differently for Halloween?" Shana asked. "Usually witchcraft to spook humans on Earth. Basically, anything different than you guys on Earth." Zaidia giggled. "That's kinda sad that y'all don't dress up using costumes and such." Justice said. "Well at least there's isn't blood curdling screams at night like we do." Angelica sai and just then there was a scream, a scream that was familiar to them all. Raphael's scream. "Spoke too soon." Xeniria said.


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