Season 1 Episode 4

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Blake looked unphased by the body floating. "Be careful, Zai!" Right after she said that, another figure popped out of the shadows with neon blue sparks coming out of their hand. "Well, I was lucky enough to actually be able to float from that far away, and hit the target correctly." Fresh looked at the person who was causing Justice to float. "HEY! Don't hurt Justice! Put her down, before I have to come over there." The girl looked at Fresh and his dress. "What is your problem skeleton dude? Plus what are you going to do, force me to be at your tea party?" She chuckled. "That is enough Zaidia! Be careful and let's head back to the house. Try to be less noticeable so he won't catch us again." Blake raised her voice a little bit. Zaidia looked towards the darkness "Are we going to Xeniria's den? She was organizing your healing materials down there." Ink was confused. Who is Xeniria, and who is Zaidia. Is she friends with this Blake girl? Kyle put his phone in his pocket as he approached everyone else near Blake. Ink, Hal, Fresh, Victoria, Player and Kyle followed Zaidia and Blake into the darkened area. "Where exactly are we heading to? I mean, isn't this underground area cut off except one pathway?" Hal asked. Zaidia continued to walk forwards. "Nope, there are surprisingly a lot of tunnels leading to different villages and towns around here. We are heading to the town of Black Hollow. It doesn't take that long to get there, but it takes longer to get to our place." Blake agreed with her. "Honestly, the only reason why that place was picked for us was because we had around 5 people all together needing one area to live. Over time, we lost some and gained some people. I still miss Mariko, she was the best at mixing the potions. Not that I am not grateful for Xeniria, but I still miss the way she made food from a cauldron. You know, like the Elixir of Rose Butter" Hal was right behind everyone with Victoria cracking jokes every five seconds. About 6 minutes passed until they arrived at the backside of a tall black building. The building looked similar to a small apartment complex. "Here we are. I am going to call Sinaiko so she can unlock this door. I hate having to take this route when we are carrying bodies inside. The city should know by now that we have a lot of people and bodies going in and out!" Blake pulled a phone out of her pocket and pressed the first button the screen. She walked a little bit away from the group. Fresh's glasses had the word "UH-OH" across them. "How long is this going to take, I feel like something bad is going to happen." Blake walked back towards the group and said "Welp, Sinaiko is busy cleaning up some Malphas powder that fell on the floor. She is trying to clean it up so no one dies as soon as we walk inside." Ink questioned Blake "If this 'Malphas' powder is dangerous, how is the girl able to work with it?" Zaidia laughed "Malphas is deadly in larger amounts to every race except Werewolf, Witches/Warlocks, and Hybrids." Blake let out a sigh "Xeniria shouldn't have moved my stuff, let's hope it didn't collide with the Morax shreds. Poor Sinaiko dealing with it." The window on the outlined box on the door slide open and revealed a window.


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