Season 2 Episode 10

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"I think that's our cue to go check out the neighbor's house." KJ said. "Shut up, you just want to see if the daughter is really hot or not." Kiwi joked around. "Leave KJ alone, or else I will curse you." Xeniria threatened. "Please, as if you could curse us, she is a curse." Kiwi laughed. "KIWI! Shut up!" KJ bumped Kiwi. "What? I was kidding!" Kiwi bumped back. "Do I need to put you both into time out?" Yanlin boomed. "Calm down big bro." Sinaiko grabbed his shoulder. "Let's just hurry up before they realize that we're randomly dropping in to investigate the scream of our friend. Let's devise a plan and split up." Zaidia turned around and said before turning back around. About a minute or two of planning went by as Zaidia, Kiwi, KJ, Angelica and Hal approached the steps as the rest investigated around the outside of the house sneakily. Baija hid behind their car to watch in case of trouble, Blake was hiding behind the car near Baija. Xeniria was looking around for spells and gave everyone a vial of Ochre colored liquid. Victoria is looking for anything out of the ordinary in the field. Fresh, Justice and Ink were sitting on a bench casually talking. Shana was off on her own doing Tlera knows what. Yanlin was sitting on the roof with Sinaiko making sure everything is going to plan. Kylis was playing games on his phone. When they reached the door, Zaidia knocked. "Mr and Ms. Jeshin?" the door erily creaked open. "It's me Zaidia, I wanted to see how you're doing, I have a few friends with me that want to meet you both. Geshernai." Zaidia took a step back as a creepy woman appeared from around the door. "Zai dear, is that you!? It's been too long. You missed bingo night last weekend." She said "I know, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you this weekend. Oh, by the way, these are my friends Kiwi, KJ, Angelica, and Hal. they're from Earth." Zaidia said. "I figured they weren't from around here. Why don't you all come inside for some drinks." the woman said. They all followed her indoors. Inside the house it was dark, shadows covering the walls. Lighting was dim and there was couches for everyone. The rest of the squad were still exploring and gathering information. "Would you all like some tea? If not we also have coffee and snacks." She offered for everyone. "She's trustable, go ahead, Angelica." Zaidia chuckled "So what brings you around, did you hear anything?" She said. "No, what do you mean heard anything?" Zaidia felt scared for a second. "From the neighbors." the woman said. "What about?" Zaidia asked. "I'll get to the point, we already know you have more friends, wandering around. Pretending to be new here. Are you trying to ruin the surprise?" the woman said angrily. "N-no. What surprise? We are here for not harmful reasons, they are new here, but only to visit. Madam Jeshin, please calm down a bit, you're scaring me. You never get this angry." Zaidia feared. "I'll show you angry!" Ms.Jeshin leaped towards Zai. "Meshino!" a voice called out, causing Ms. Jeshin to stop and stand still. "Who's there? And what did she mean by 'we' just a minute ago?" Zaidia called out into the darkness of the hallway. "The surprise isn't ready yet Zaidia. You should have stayed inside your house. We're still preparing." The voice trailed off. As soon as it left, Ms. Jeshin shook her head. "My goodness. ZaiZai, when did you arrive? Oh! You brought some friends." She ran off into the kitchen and came back with some platters of snacks. "What just happened?" Hal asked. Angelica grabbed one of the platters that Ms.Jeshin was holding "I have no clue, you seemed like you were mind controlled. Anyways, is your daughter here, we want to meet her." Zaidia looked around. "She's busy with her friends downstairs." Ms. Jeshin smiled. "You don't have a basement, remember. You, your husband and I were all going to make one, but we got distracted." Zaidia explained. "Oh my, you are right. I remember now. After you left, about a week later, my daughter came to visit and she revealed that we did have a basement. It was almost like it had been covered up with a spell. Deary me, look at the time. I need to change. I'll be right back Zai sweety." She walked off into a bedroom. "That was weird." Kiwi said. "I know right. Wait, there isn't even a clock around here!" Zai spouted. There was a scraping noise underneath them, almost like something or someone was being dragged.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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