Season 1 Episode 2

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They all were screaming as they approached the bottom. A cloud of dust crowded the area as they all impacted onto the dark area. "What is this place?" Kyle asked. Justice stood up and saw a huge flower. It was merely cosmetic and fake. There was a sign which read TURN BACK NOW! DANGER LIES AHEAD! JUST MAKE A VOW! AND WAKE UP IN A BED! MAKE SURE NOT TO LAUGH! LIVE COULD END IN A BLOODBATH! They looked at one another, questioning the sign. "What does it mean, make a vow? What kind of vow." Justice asked. "What about a wedding vow, maybe we have to get married to one another!" Hal suggested as a joke. "Let's just find a way out of here!I don't know what it exactly by bloodbath, but that couldn't be good." Kyle looked around frantically. "Over there! A ladder!!!" Victoria pointed towards a ladder against the wall. They all ran over to it. "Broken, at least most of it is anyways." Hal observed. They all sighed and walked back to the flower. "What are you doing Ink?" A voice was heard along with a scream. The voices were getting closer. Two skeletons showed up into view "Justice?" The taller one with glasses said. "Fresh? Is that you?!" They ran to each other with a big embrace. As soon as they stopped hugging Justice took a good long look at Fresh. "Is that a dress? Ink did you do this?" Ink broke out in laughter. "Ink forced me into a dress." Fresh glared at Ink. "It was a bet! If I won, I would have to paint a picture of Fresh onto my walls in every room. If you won, you would have to wear a dress in public for a whole week!." Hal broke out in laughter. "Why are you laughing Hal?" Justice snickered "You lost a bet, with Ink. How is that possible?" Ink looked away "INK! Did you rig it?!?!" Justice screamed a little as she questioned him. "Calm down Justice! I didn't do anything. Instead of screaming at me, scream at the person who spiked his PEZ dispenser candy during the game of Monopoly." Hal sighed. "Another one spiked the Fresh. . . " As soon as they said that a bird came down and picked up Justice by the foot. "AHHH! HELP ME, THIS PIECE OF UNFRIED KFB IS TAKING ME AWAY!" Fresh tried to run but tripped due to his dress. "Justice!! FIGHT IT . . . I HAVEN'T ATE YET!" Victoria yelled towards her. "Where are my heels when I need them!" Fresh said. Ink looked at Fresh who was trying to get up off the ground "They are at Grillby's, where you tried to throw them at a girl that was flirting with you and they landed in the wall. I think they are still there, but that would be like saying your dress will be on after the week is up" Fresh frowned and threw a rock at Ink. He got lucky and dodged the attack and the rock swung around and hit Fresh's glasses, cracking them and revealing a purple glow. Ink laughed while replacing Fresh's glasses by drawing over the crack. The bird that was carrying Justice away screeched as it was flying away from arrows that were being shot at it. Justice was also trying to dodge the constant attacks as she swung upside down. "HELP!" As soon as she said that there was a flame heading right towards her, it just barely passed her and hit the bird in the head. Justice now was beginning to go unconscious from being upside down. With a flaming arrow in the bird's head, it let go of Justice who was now plummeting to her untimely death. 


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