Season 2 Episode 3

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Xeniria bolted over to towards the door. "What in the seven hells is going on here!" Kiwi shouted. "Someone is trying to get inside! We're yelling at each other right now. . ." KJ explained. "LET ME IN, I NEED TO FIND MY SISTER. I DON'T WANT TO DIE." the person outside screamed. "Not until you show some verification on who you are!" KJ retaliated. "PLEASE, I DO- I DON'T WAn-a- I don't want to die! Just, just let me see my sister. Blake, budʹ laska! Khtosʹ namahayetʹsya vbyty mene" the voice on the outside started to crack as she begun to cry. Blake perked up to the sound of her name being called. She's heard that voice before. Blake got up and darted to the door. She pushed everyone to the side and opened the door before Xeniria could stop her. "BAIJA!!" she yelled. Blake and Baija hugged. They were finally reunited. "Blake, ya skuchyv za toboyu!!" Baija screamed. "I missed you too! Wait, what did you mean you don't wanna die?!?!" Blake pulled away from the hug. "Yea, someone is trying to harm me, so I tried to track you down." Baija pulled out a jewel. "Is that what I think it is?!" Xeniria looked at Baija's hands. "It's part of a powerful artifact. This is our family heirloom." Baija cradled the precious jewel. Xeniria rushed to the bookshelf and grabbed a book. She flipped through the pages. "Found it!" Xeniria casually walked back to the door. "What did you find" KJ asked. They all looked at the page Xen had flipped to. "The Legend of the Cursed Stone. What exactly is this?" Shana asked. "It's the legendary artifact on this planet. I know quite a bit about it." Yanlin eavesdropped. "Well, firstly, the stone is split up into 8 to 10 rocks. A few of them are just large shards." He continued. "Yeah, some pieces are lucky, and some . . . not so much. There was this family that has to have it passed down from offspring to offspring and with how badly the stone was treated in the past, it brought them nothing but bad luck. They live a few cities over actually. " Xeniria stated. "DANG IT!" It was Kyle standing up. "Anyone got a charger I can borrow?" He asked. Sinaiko hopped up and walked off. She came back a minute later with a charger for Kyle. "We need to find out a way to reunite all the pieces of the stone. Yaknow for shits and giggles." Shana laughed. "NO! Making the whole stone would put this world in peril, it's not ready for that to be complete." Yanlin told Shana. "What would happen, would Lucianne appear and take our guests captive again?" Shana looked at Yanlin. "Wait, who did you say took our friends captive?" Xeniria looked at her. "Umm, Lucianne, do you not know her. I met her through . . . well I met her. Anyways, I can tell it was her from a mile away." Shana explained. "Umm, Raphael, can you go get more snacks for our guests, they look hungry." Xeniria signaled towards Fresh, who was eating the last sandwich. "Hm?" Fresh had his mouth full. "Lucianne, she is a bitch. I met her once, and she didn't leave a good impression." Baija said. Hal smiled at Vic, Kyle charged his phone, Ink was talking to Justice and Fresh, Raphael was in the kitchen, Sinaiko played chess with Zaidia, and the rest of the group was hanging out by the door. Everyone was accounted for when there was a clash in the kitchen along with a scream.


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