Season 1 Episode 9

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The figure was as tall as Fresh. It had wings as wide as a griffin. The hair looked black from how the mist/fog covered it. There was a pendant around its neck that gave off a neon green color. "Where is my sister?" The voice sounded masculine, so the figure was assumed to be a guy. "Sister? Who is your sister?" Xeniria questioned the figure and moved closer. He wrapped his hands around her neck "Tell me where my sister is! I NEED TO KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" Xeniria started to choke "Wh--at . . .Wh-who i-i-is?" she just barely managed to get the words out. "MY SISTER, SINAIKO!" He screamed at her "I h-have n-n-no c-c-clue where S-s-inai-iko is." Xeniria, having trouble speaking due to being choked. "YOUR LYING! I TRACKED HER HERE!" He was furious. "Please let her go! She did nothing wrong. We are trying to find Sinaiko also!" KJ screamed back at him. "HOW DARE YOU YELL AT ME! DO YOU HAVE ANY CLUE WHO I AM?" He seemed insulted. "Dude, we just met you. How can we know who you are. You, you, you winged creature!" Fresh had a slight offensive tone to his voice. The creature sighed and let go of Xeniria and turned away from the group causing a small gust of wind due to his wings. "My name is Yanlin. Sinaiko is my sister. I was sent to find her. The whole family and I are worried about her. She hasn't checked in with us for a long time." Xeniria was rubbing her neck to try and cease the pain. Raphael rushed to grab an ice pack for her. He arrived with the ice-pack and handed it to Xeniria "Here you go, I hope he didn't hurt you too much." He seemed to be protective of her. "Sorry, for choking you by the way. I thought you might have taken her captive and was lying to protect your boss or your own arse." Yanlin said with sorrow. "Instead of attacking us, help us attack the person that 'napped about 6 members of our group." Xeniria was able to talk again. KJ glared at Yanlin "They took my ex-girlfriend and her friends. Even her two best friends. Imma take roll around here and see if anyone else was missing. Since Raphael is safe, I think everyone in the theatre are going to be safe also." KJ walked out of the room with a clipboard she grabbed off of one of the shelves. "So, Yanlin, what even are you. Does Sinaiko have wings also?" Kyle was curious, he had put his phone away when the large crash was heard. "Sinaiko is my sister so yes, she does have wings. I am a celestial being. One of the protectors of this universe. Since there are multiple universes and even multiple planets, there are protectors for each area. I am Yanlin, protector of this world. My sister, Sinaiko protects this area. I protect the rest of the areas. I have met a lot of weird humans like you and I cannot see why she wanted to be like you all." Victoria took a little offense to that "What do you mean weird? How are we weird? Those wings look fake by the way! I do not believe you!" She crossed her arms. "I assure you, they are real. I would ask you to touch them, but the last person to do that landed on C̶̨̢̠̦̹̹̟̻͓͎̿̑͊͋̿̚ò̢̺̹̘͙͆͋̒̓̂́͗̔ḩ̧̺̙̼́̀̓͛̏̿ͅe̡͈͚̘͖̒̑͗̂͋̓̈͡͡r̨̪̯͖̜͖͍̳̖̝̓͆̄͊̍̓̓̊̚͘c̵̢͖̣͇̞̼̮̼͑́̊̄͒̀̕͝͞. Its further away than pluto is from the sun in the milky way. Once we finally found him, he was dead." He explained as he retracted his wings like a cat retracts its claws. "I think he is right Victoria." Fresh told her. She rolled her eyes. Less than 5 seconds later, there was a loud sound coming from the stairway.


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