Season 2 Episode 1

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The group walked closer to the glass as they watched the series of events unfold. "What are they doing? I hope they don't harm them!" Shana exclaimed. "Ink!" Fresh screamed out. "No use, ya see that guy with the circular tattoo and spikes on it, he is a warlock. Zai-" Before Yanlin could finish Zaidia popped out of a portal and covered his mouth. "Shut up you pathetic bird!" Everyone but Fresh and Victoria looked towards Zaidia. "I knew you weren't captured! You and being born with a psychic father must have made you know their was going to be danger." Xeniria shifted her weight. "Yes, please tell everyone about my fucking family problems!" Zaidia spouted out. "What is your problem Zai?" Xeniria looked into her eyes. "Are you...protecting Xav-" Zaidia threw a bag at Xaidia "Shush, I don't need to hear this right now. Let's focus on getting everyone out safely. Also when did birdy get here?" Yanlin glared at Zaidia. He hates when she calls him birdy or even bird. "I am a celestial being Zaidia, you know this already." Zaidia looked at the warlock through the glass. "I do know, birdy." Yanlin was beginning to become enraged. Xeniria attached the bag to her belt of potions. "How do you propose we do that? Since Xav, err the warlock is there, it will be hard to penetrate the room. From the look of it, there is more than just a warlock protecting it." Zaidia observed. "Once we figure this out, I cannot be within his reach, so I will portal away before you all enter the room until then, we need to figure this out. From the looks of it, he didn't use a Tlerian warlock bound, looks more like a" she touches the glass then sniffs it "Oriana? This has the scent of an Elarian Warlock but using Oriana ingredients. That shouldn't even be magically possible!" As soon as she said that, the 3rd guy, who was behind the rest of the attackers, looked at the glass as if he could see them. Zaidia opened a portal but not fast enough. The area started shaking. "Stupid Elarian Warlocks!" Xeniria shouted out. Fresh, Victoria and Kylis fell to the ground. "What is going on? How are you all stable?" Fresh shouted. "It's because it is magic from our world. This universe. We recognize it more than you ever will. He is using some kind of Oriana spell now." Yanlin walked backwards to tried to run and break the glass. Since a spell was placed to protect that room, he bounced back and literally flew into the wall causing dirt and minerals to fall onto him. "NO!" They looked into the room as Justice shed tears from her eyes. Blake's face was red with anger. Kiwi was annoyed. Ink was trying to console Justice to stop her crying. Hal was confused as ever. The warlock with the tattoo on his wrist walked into a portal and out of the room, causing magic to be useable in that room. Raphael helped Kylis and Fresh off of the floor. Victoria struggled to get up on her own, but still managed by herself. Shana and KJ were helping Yanlin up and dusted off. Xeniria looked around as Zaidia disappeared. When they looked back at the room there was a glow. It was Sinaiko. She has morphed into her angelic form. With her body shape shifting, the handcuffs popped off. The woman in the center of the room was screaming, most likely from the bright light. "How is this possible, I thought she locked that side away forever." KJ exclaimed. "She can access it when she feels like she is in trouble or if she feels like strong emotions for something." Yanlin explained. As they all gathered together by the window again and looked in at the blinding light, which was going down. "Sinaiko! You are going to harm them all if you don't lower your brightness!" Xeniria shouted into the room. "She isn't an electronic! She can't just turn down her brightness!" Shana shot her Xen a glare. As they were talking a shriek went through the caves.


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