Season 2 Episode 2

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"What is that?" Kylis asked. "It is called a banshee, it is crying. Meaning someone is going to die soon. Zaidia can you go find out who she is crying for and when they are going to die?" Xeniria said. Zaidia portaled in for a second to say "Yes, on it!" then portaled away again. "Okay, Shana. Try to seduce the woman in the center of the room if she didn't get away already. Yanlin, brush off and scout the area and try to detect where the portals end at. Kyle, Victoria and Fresh you all should help free the captives. Me, KJ, and Raphael will help you, while also guarding our friends. Everyone have something to do?" Xeniria asked. They all walked around to do their jobs. Raphael looked at the wall and pushed it, causing a pathway to open up. "Umm, Xen!" She ran over to him. "What did you do Raphy? What were they trying to do?" A noise rang behind them. Zaidia portaled back into the room. "She said she was crying for someone named Baija." Zaidia reported. As soon as she said that, Blake, who just got free, looked at Zai. "What do you mean she was crying for Baija?!?!" Blake was furious then sighed."When is she going to die?" Zaidia looked at blake and said "This Friday at 4:24PM. Do you know this Baija person?" She portaled next to Blake. "Yeah, she's . . . my sister." Blake sighed. "Um, I think we need to focus on why they took you 6 first." Xeniria suggested. Hal ran over to Vic and hugged her. Justice fistbumped Fresh. Ink stood next to Justice. Kiwi grouped up with Blake and Zaidia to find information. Sinaiko walked over to Xeniria. "I couldn't find anything around here, just a few secret caves that were empty." Yanlin flew in and told Xen. "I think we should head back to the house." KJ suggested. "Who all wants to regroup at the base?" Xeniria asked. Pretty much everyone raised their hands. "All right, let's all head there." They all walked back to the base."I see you got a new dress." Justice observed Fresh. "Yeah, they were nice and let me borrow one. They might fix up your dress." Fresh responded. "I'm so glad you're safe." Victoria told Hal. Everyone was reunited. "What is going to be our next plan of action." Zaidia portaled across the room. "I think we need to write down information that we know." Sinaiko suggested. "I'll prepare some snacks" Raphael told them as he walked off into the kitchen. KJ and Shana started fixing the wall that got blown open. Everyone else was gathered in the middle of the room. About 5 minutes later, Raphael came back with snacks and sat them down on the table. He had brought some mini sandwiches and something to drink. They all has something to drink and snack on. They tried to continued their conversation but then . . . there was yelling.


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