Season 1 Episode 6

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Everyone looked towards the scream. There was a set of doors opened up on the opposite side of the room from the entryway. Through the doors were two people, Jem and another person. They both had horns sticking out of their heads and a thin tail sticking out of their lower backs. "Wait, how did you guys get down here? You aren't supposed to be here!" Fresh handed the box over to Xeniria. "Thank you skeleton. Jem, how nice of you to visit today of all days." Jem walked out of the room. "What in the seven hells happened to Justice?" The person that was in the same room with Jem followed him. "Babe, who are these people?" Ink looked at Jem"Who are you two?" Hal facepalmed and quickly introduced all but one person. "Oh, by the way my name is Katherine, but you can call me KJ." Jem stood to the side of the table inspecting Justice's comatose body. "Um, what happened here?" Victoria looked towards the doors "We fell down a hole in our basement, and she hit her head. Then this person" She points to blake "Decided to shoot a flaming arrow at the bird that picked up Justice and was flying away with her." Jem tried to not let out a giggle "A bird, picked up Justice, and tried to fly away. So Blake shot it with her arrow and she fell." Everyone nodded "What kind of bird was it?" Fresh looked confused "A big one!" His dress ruffled as a burst of air came through the room. "It was a Jatayu. I am guessing a Hinduist sent it for something, or released it." Ink looked over at Blake "Wait, so a person can send birds?" Xeniria laughed "Somewhat like that, there is no time to explain, we need to hurry up and wake her up. Thank you, Fresh, for the box. This is a vital part of the process." she opened the box up, then grabbed a little silk pouch out from the rest. "Thankfully I had it refilled just earlier." Sinaiko walked down to where they were. Ink was sitting on the circular couch near Justice's head with his paintbrush sitting behind him. Fresh was on the other side sitting with his legs crossed like a lady. Blake, KJ, and Xeniria were standing up around the table. Hal and Victoria were talking to the side about something. Sinaiko was watching Kylis play PugB. Jem was kneeling next to Justice's neck examining her comatose like state. "Yo, Victoria. Approximately how long has she been like this?" Victoria shrugged "About 20 minutes I think, why?." Jem grabbed a bowl, the silk pouch, the Alerrowia, the cornflower blue liquid and 3 other bottles. She mixed them together. "About 20 minutes right?" Victoria nodded. Jem poured the now Paris green mixture into Justice's mouth and slapped her cheek. Justice gasped loudly causing everyone, including Kyle, to look at the table. "What was that for?" Justice groaned. Victoria laughed "So I was right, 20 minutes." Jem nodded as Ink rushed over about 2 feet to hug Justice. "Don't ever get kidnapped by a bird, you had me worried!" Justice chuckled then winced in pain. "Ow! Careful, I cannot breath!" Ink listened and backed away a little "Sorry, heh, I am just excited to see you!" Hal smiled "Who isn't excited to see her awake and alive!" Everyone was surrounding her so Jem, KJ, Blake, and Xeniria moved up the stairs and looked down towards the group. "I don't think that was a good idea Jem." Blake said. "I also fear something is going t-" Right before Xeniria finished saying that, there was a huge flash of light and everything went dark.


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