Season 1 Episode 10

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Xeniria rushed over to the stairway to see the wall broken through. "What in the seven hells happened here? I thought you were going to check up on the rest of the guild KJ!" Xeniria sounded pissed off. "I was heading there!" KJ was coughing due to the smoke flooding the area. "The wall exploded while I was heading up the stairs and then I have no clue why that happened. It wasn't me this time. Maybe it was Shana cooking again!" KJ stood up and walked into the hole which revealed a giant underground hole. "So, someone thought it was okay to mine into your hideout, maybe somebody thought it was a stone wall so they used dynamite to explode it so they can continue working on whatever that is." Fresh suggested "No, the mayor knows we have a small underground area. They must think we are practicing dark magic under here." Xeniria sighed "I'll check it out, even though it is Sinaiko's job to secure the underworld." Yanlin looked stern "Hey, I think we might have a lead! Do you think you can examine it as a 'celestial being' of this world?" Victoria asked him. He nodded and walked with her to the box while Xeniria was investigating the hole in the wall. He grabbed the glass box with the cloth "This fiber is refined. Only one race wears it due to the roughness and the materials." He said without opening the box. "I figured it was limited to a few races, I didn't think it was just one. The one thing I did find out was that it was someone clumsy so I was thinking not Vampires or Werewolves because they are agile and not so clumsy." a random girl explained. Yanlin looked down at her "You are wrong, it is a werewolf, but not just a werewolf. It is a hybrid. Only hybrids can wear this kind of weather due to werewolves being allergic to some of the materials used in this cloth." Xeniria walked back towards the group with KJ. "Oh, there you are Shana. Did you explode the wall again?" Shana looked guilty "No! I didn't do it this time, it was the miners. They thought it was a block in their path. I persuaded them to change paths right before they exploded the wall. I didn't know they had more TNT planted around it. I should have stayed and watched their every move!" Xeniria chuckled "You always have to use your powers don't ya?" She asked Shana. She giggled at Xeniria. "What kind of powers do you have Shana?" Victoria asked her "I don't necessarily have powers per say. It's just my race." Shana explained how she is a succubus. "I think we should go inspect the cave they are mining to see why they would blow up our wall." KJ suggested. "First, we need to get suited up in order to go inside that area." Raphael held up some outfits and equipment. "Thank's Raphy! Let's get all dressed out, there are chemicals used underground that you humans cannot breath in or else you could get seriously injured. Dressing rooms are over there." Xeniria pointed over to the wall with 3 doors on it. The first one was for girls, the third one was for boys, and the middle one for gender-neutral. "I think it is good you have gender neutral changing rooms." Victoria was overly glad about bathrooms. They all got changed and met in the center of the room "Okay, everyone ready?" She said. Everyone was handed a walkie talkie in case they were split up. It was now time for them to go exploring "I almost forgot, do we have any shovels?" Shana asked "We don't but I do suppose we can 'borrow' some from the construction workers." KJ responded. They all headed into the cave. "Should I close this wall off, Xeniria?" Yanlin looked back. "Just a protection layer so no workers try to explore our place, please." Xeniria told him. He sealed up the wall with what looked like glass to them at first then it blended in with the area. "There we go. Let's explore now." he told them all. Everyone was exploring when they hit a fork in the path. "Let's split up into 2 groups of -" Xeniria counted everyone "four. Uh let us see. Kylis, Raphael, Shana, and Yanlin go to the left and so that leaves KJ, Fresh, Victoria and me to go on the right. Signal us on the talkies if you find anything." They all grouped up and went their separate ways. Group 1 with KJ, Fresh, Victoria and Xeniria went on the right.Group 2 with Kylis, Raphael, Shana, and Yanlin went to the left. Group 1 was walking around when they heard a switch and the wall in the center of the two tunnels opened a little hall. Group 2 walked through, exploring this new pathway. "Hello again." Shana smiled. They all walked together down the passage which was just big enough to fit everyone one in a single file line. At the end of that mining tunnel, was a large wall with a window in the middle. There was a line of six people all different heights all with a bag over their heads and their hands tied together with a rope. Off to the side was 3 people that looked like they were going to torture everyone. A tray full of weapons was sat in the middle of the room in front of the six mysterious people. One of 3 people off to the side walked towards the tray and spoke. "Tell me what you were doing down here?" She sounded harsh, it was the mayor of that underground town. "Take off their hoods, I want to see these intruders. The two men that were standing with the mayor walked over to the six tied up bodies and took off their hoods. Group 1 and 2 were both appalled at what they saw!


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