Season 1 Episode 3

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Justice was about to fall to her death when she fell on top of Kyle. "Oww, why me? I was about to win!" he coughed up a tiny drop of blood from biting his lip during the impact. Justice was still unconscious. Kyle was trying to get Justice off of his back, but he failed. Victoria walked over to Kyle and hoisted her limp body off of him and carried her over to the flowerpot. She laid her on the edge of the pot, which was thick enough to support Justice, as the rest of the group gathered around. "What are we going to do?" Fresh managed to get off the ground and ask. Ink drew her Justice a pillow. "Well first off, we need to get her awake because she could be in peril danger if she is unconscious and maybe more seeing as she hit her head on the fall down here." said semi a familiar voice for Ink. A silhouette of a human could be seen moving in the shadows. "Show yourself!" Fresh shouted. "How come you don't recognize me . . . Ink." The silhouette moved closer and revealed a dark scheme of clothing alone with hair that wasn't too long, but it was enough to cover its eyes. "Is that you, Player?" Ink asked the person now standing out in the open. "Ah, so you do remember me. It has been a few months since I received a portal from your doodlesphere. I was beginning to worry a little. Say,how is Justice. Haven't seen her in a while either well before just now." Player looked at Justice who was on the flowerpot edging. "Why is this tall boi in a dress?" Fresh looked down towards Player. "No-one asked you to question my life choices. . . I lost a bet with Ink." Hal giggled. "I love the thought of you losing a bet to Ink." Player walked up to Justice and pulled up a screen with a bunch of code. "What are you doing Player?! Were you waiting for Justice to get hurt so you can take her away from me?" Ink was suspicious of Player. "No, I was eating lunch with someone I just met and then we both saw you all fall down. Blake!" As soon as Player said that, a woman almost the same size of Fresh walked out of the dark with a bow in her hand and quiver full of enchanted arrows on her back. "Ello there." Player introduced Blake to Hal, Ink, Fresh, Victoria and Justice's body. She looked at Justice. "She really did take a big fall." Blake was now standing right next to the unconscious body, examining it. "Looks like she needs some horehound and white hyacinth. I might have some left over from yesterday." Ink looked at Blake. "Wait, isn't the combination of Horehound and White Hyacinth banned for being too powerful?" She looked over in the direction of Kyle. "Not where I am from. Oh, and who is that nud on his phone?" Player shrugged because he didn't know either. "That is Kyle." Hal told both Blake and Player. There was a sound that suddenly came from his phone. "YES! VICTORY!" Kyle looked around and saw everyone was looking at him. "What, I was playing PUGB" Hal saw Blake's enchanted arrows and her bow. "So it was you who shot the bird that was carrying Justice down?" Blake looked towards Hal. "Yeah, I calculated the exact area where it would drop her at, and that boy was the closest to drop. Imma call some people to come harvest the bird for our village. Until then, we need to bring Justice to my place so I can heal her better than I could out here." Ink hesitated at first, but allowed Justice to be moved to Blake's house. "Let's go ahead and move her to your place, but how? She can be hea-" Ink was cut off as Justice's body was lifted upwards.


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