Season 2 Episode 5

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They all looked towards the doors. "What in the 7 hells is going on right now?" Kiwi moved her arms in front of her eyes to cover the lights. "I think that definitely is him." Xeniria moved to the doors. "Zaidia. Are you okay?" Sinaiko asked. Zaidia shook her head, no. "But, I will be okay. The main thing that I need to do is hide before he sees me." She said. Kiwi pushed open the door. "WHO ARE YOU?!" Blake shouted before Kiwi could say anything. "We would like to ask you the same thing." A semi-tall guy walked forwards from the middle of the motorcycles. "Xavier?" Sinaiko whispered to Zaidia. "Yeah, ever since I was around 12 he stopped following me around constantly and started to hang out with a rough crowd. I am guessing that's the rough crowd and he must have become the leader. He used to come home with blood on his clothes and fists bruised. It was so bad that he would stop coming home. Without parents, no one was there to ask him what was going on or to put a stop to it. Zaidia grabbed Sinaiko's hand and portaled out. "We can talk safely here." Zaidia let go of Sinaiko. "What is this place?" Sinaiko looked around. "It's where I go when I portal away. I usually just chill here in when I want to get away from people but I don't wanna go anywhere else. So let's talk now." Zaidia went to the mini fridge and grabbed a soda. "Basically we didn't have parents almost at all so we were left home to fend for ourselves. Our neighbor paid the bills until I was old enough to get a job and if they could use a room as an B&B. We allowed them to and went on living our lives. Since eventually I was the only one left in the house and I had a job, they told me to pay the bills for the house and that if I needed I could live at their place and they would sell the house. I didn't want them to sell the only place I could call home. I decided to set enough money aside to buy the house myself with a little help from them. They helped me with the legal stuff and put this place in my name." Zaidia said. "So this is the house you lived in? It looks so cool!" Sinaiko told her. "Yeah, it took a while to remodel it and make it mine. I have a room for potions, a mini library, the basics I need. Then again I usually chill at your place well until it was raided by Lucianne and her people. If you want something to drink, then feel free to go through the fridge." Zaidia popped the cap off of the soda glass and took a sip. "Thanks for the offer but I'll pass for now. I think we might need to head back and see what they're doing." Sinaiko looked at Zaidia, who had grabbed a bag of chips and began to nibble on them. "Time moves much slower here. I never said I lived exactly on Earth. I live in a pocket dimension right near Earth. We have some of the same properties and lifestyle along with looks. We are humans but we're just used to different things than you would." Zaidia took the bag and lifted it to her mouth allowing the crumbs to slide down. "Well I am not from this planet either. Neither is my brother. We're from C̶̨̢̠̦̹̹̟̻͓͎̿̑͊͋̿̚ò̢̺̹̘͙͆͋̒̓̂́͗̔ḩ̧̺̙̼́̀̓͛̏̿ͅe̡͈͚̘͖̒̑͗̂͋̓̈͡͡r̨̪̯͖̜͖͍̳̖̝̓͆̄͊̍̓̓̊̚͘c̵̢͖̣͇̞̼̮̼͑́̊̄͒̀̕͝͞ with the rest of our family. We only come to Earth to see how it is evolving and if everything is on schedule." Sinaiko sat down in the blue bean bag chair. "On schedule? So you knew that Xav was going to show up!?!?" Zaidia flung herself up. "Zai, calm down. I didn't exactly know that. I only get told on the days I need to show up what happens and what needs to happen if it didn't happen already. I was supposed to show up tomorrow but I gave up listening to the plan and told them to give it to my brother. He also controls Venus so not much to do there." Sinaiko put her hands up defensively. "What do you mean by 'told them'? Who are they?" Zaidia got closer to Sinaiko. "They, as in the leaders. The gods, they raised my family to protect this world so we owe them by working for them." Sinaiko got up and backed away from Zaidia. "I want to meet them." Zaidia turned around. "WHAT?!?!" Sinaiko yelled. "I want to meet them, the 'gods' you say. I wanna go now." Zaidia turned back around. "Why though?" Sinaiko stalled. "I want to know why they thought it was a good idea for Xav to show up to where I am." Zaidia explained. "Um, well the thing is . . ." Sinaiko put her hand to her mouth. "Spit it out." Zaidia got closer. "YOU CAN'T!" Sinaiko flinched as Zaidia pressed her against the wall. "What do you mean I can't?" Zaidia got closer. "Please don't get any closer, this is awkward. . ." Sinaiko whispered. "Well then let me make this more awkward than it is." Zaidia leaned her face towards Sinaiko. Before anything happened the house started to shake and there was a loud humming noise outside.


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