Chapter 6: Farewell

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The morning sun was not yet in the sky when Feza finished packing some clothes and items Shinki had given to her last night. Honestly, she didn't want to leave yet. It was the first time in her life, as far as she remembered, that she slept in a real bed. The feather pillow made her imagine she was in heaven resting her head in a cloud and the warm and soft sheets of cotton felt like a caress of the first sunbeams of a summer day. She hoped that in Konoha she could sleep in a bed as good as that one, but she much doubted it.

The woman was still immersed in her daydreams when someone knocked at the door. She opened it after a long yawn.

"Good morning, Feza-san," The Kazekage said politely. "How are you?"

"Good morning. I'm feeling very well-rested. Thank you" She replied getting her back straight. "I was just about to leave".

"Fine. It's still a bit early but Shinki is already waiting in the hall". He made a little pause and took from inside his pocket a paper envelope.

Gaara extended his hand and Feza took the envelope carefully.

"Please deliver this letter to Uzumaki Naruto, the Hokage of the village." He asked politely staring at her. "I thought about calling him by the phone but seeing the current situation and the possibility of espionage I prefer you to deliver this personally. It's a letter that explains the recent events and, of course, I also ask him to take care of you and Shukaku while we try to solve this conflict".

Feza nodded and quickly kept the letter inside the pocket of her coat.

"Well, I wish you have a safe and nice journey in the train". Gaara said.

"Thank you, Kazekage-sama... I mean, not just for your good wishes, but for all your help." The woman made a brief bow. "It was an honor to meet you. You were very kind".

"Good morning" The voice of Shinki came from the corner of the corridor. He was walking towards them ready to depart.

Gaara stepped back and turned towards his son trying to hide the blushing of his cheeks, after all, he was not used to receiving compliments. Shinki arrived quickly.

"Father, Feza-san, my uncle and I are ready to leave" The kid announced. "Do you want me to help you with your luggage?"

"No problem, Shinki. They are very few things" she replied and quickly turned around to pick her little bag.

After some final advising, Gaara said farewell to them and saw them disappear before sunrise.

That day passed very slow and silently. The kazekage spent most of the hours in his office completing the job that was still left from the days he was missing. It was until the late afternoon that his personal telephone rang. He picked up the call quickly.

"Gaara!" Naruto exclaimed happily. Then he whispered, "Is it okay to talk by phone?"

"Naruto, my friend" He replied comforted. He had been waiting for that call the whole day. "Yes, no problem. I spent the day making sure this line was safe".

"Ufff....Hey! I called you to tell you that your son and Feza-san arrived safe and sound. They are going to join us for dinner at my house. I wish you had also come. It's been a while since we don't meet!"

"I wish I could have gone too, but you know how many piles of paper can accumulate in a couple of days." Gaara sighed and rested his cheek on his fist.

"Yeah! I completely understand. But don't worry about anything. I already found a place for Feza to stay with a guard taking care of her". Naruto explained "She also asked me enthusiastically for a mentor. Geez, she showed us her fire jutsu! I've never seen anything like that before...she almost burnt my office! So, I think it would be a good idea to train her in order to control all that amount of chakra, don't you think?"

"Yeah. I also think she has potential".

"Shikamaru mentioned it was supposed to be an extinguished jutsu from the Land of Wind".

"Really? Did he say anything else?"

"Well, apparently a long time ago there was a clan called the Kaji clan. They were hunters and protectors of the desert however they were also allies of the first three Kazekage. Something might have happened that they almost disappeared but Shikamaru didn't say anything more. She didn't seem very open to talking about it either. Perhaps she doesn't have good memories of it".

The two Kage kept talking for some more minutes. However, a part of Gaara's mind remained thinking about Kaji Feza. Somehow he felt guilty of just sending her away. He knew better than anyone how difficult it was to be a jinchuriki. Would she feel very lonely in a new town? Would she be scared? The Kazekage stared at the starry night hoping she would be fine.

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