Chapter 33: A dance of sand and blaze

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Note: This chapter was really hard to write. Fight scenes are complicated. I might edit in the future!

Fun fact: A flame of molten iron can actually be affected by magnetism.

There was no wind whisper in Sunagakure like every dawn. Instead, the cries of people reciting ancient prayers filled the air under a unanimous feeling of terror and hopelessness. There was no place to run or hide. The gates of the city had been closed down with heavy rocks and the streets had been stained with the blood of every shinobi who tried to stop the fire demon. But, overall, there was no one to protect them. The demon had smashed and torn down the kazekage palace, the highest symbol of authority in the Land of Wind. And the sand, that had always represented a shield of protection of the villagers, now melted under the black threatening flames that became more massive with every second that passed by.

The dense smoke had covered the city surface already when Gaara, Feza, and Benten arrived.

"He's already started..." Gaara said anxiously. They had discussed the possible scenarios on their way to Sunagakure but seeing the current situation they had no choice but to separate in two groups. "We must open the gates!"

Feza nodded and got ready to jump from Benten's back into the blaze. "I'll contain the fire".

"Don't get carried away!" Benten reminded her one last time as she used his tail to swing herself and then speed into the city in flames.

Gaara and the dragon hurried in different directions to reach the four gates. The kazekage positioned himself in between the north and east gate, while Benten could reach with his huge size the south and west gates. The smoke and the screaming sounds from inside pierced through Gaara's senses as he tried to focus on balancing his chakra to pull apart with his sand the enormous rocks that covered the exits. He closed his eyes, opening his hands to sense and connect his mind to each grain of sand controlled by his chakra.


A pair of colossal sand hands pulled he rubble from the two gates at the same time that the mouth and the tail of the dragon also opened an exit for the villagers to escape. Naturally, the first impression of the people who faced the black god dragon was more of a shock than relief. However, Gaara had formed with anticipation four sand clones to be at the same time leading the situation in each gate.

"Kazekage-sama!" Many people exclaimed as they saw Gaara's figure once behind the whirling sand.

"Thank God!"

"We are saved!"

However, he knew that was not completely true. The evacuation of the city would take many minutes, and still, if they could reach the outside, there was no guarantee that the demon would not simply decide to blow the whole city and its surroundings like a self-destructive bomb.

"Listen to me!" the four clones of the Kazekage commanded in determined unison "We have to evacuate Suna as fast as we can but in order to protect from the blaze you need to follow me and get inside the dragon's mouth immediately. There is enough space for everybody".

The villages looked at each other with certain hesitation but after a couple of seconds, the voices from persons in the crowd started to support the command. They were the shinobi that had managed to escape from a brutal death under the demon's fire whip.

"Please, start moving quickly!"

"Let's go! We have to trust our Kazekage!"

The mouth of Benten opened widely as every clone of Gaara contributed to mobilizing the sand under their feet faster to hurry the evacuation.

A storm of sand and blaze (Gaara fanfiction and The Love Story He Deserves)Where stories live. Discover now