Chapter 31: An old friend's support

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Shukaku ran as fast as he could to arrive in Konoha on time using his wind chakra to slide through the trees even faster. He tried many times to communicate with Naruto, but it resulted in an impossible task. He thought that perhaps the time travel had affected in some way the chakra connection he had with the Seventh Hokage.

The treacherous winds brought a storm with it, slowing down the tenacious race against time of the One-Tailed Beast. He knew something terrible had happened after no longer seeing or hearing anything from Shinki or Gaara. However, the drops of rain brought him a subtle sensation of hope. Perhaps not everything was lost yet.

Very early in the morning, Shukaku finally reached the entrance of the village. His energy had been drained while trying to keep a fast speed and the couple of shinobi who guarded the village entrance had to bring him urgently to the Hokage's office.

Naruto left his bed immediately when he received the call and in a matter of minutes, he was already meeting Shikamaru and Temari at the main building.

"Naruto!" Shukaku exclaimed in a hurry when he saw the Seventh coming inside the office.

"Shukaku!" Naruto approached him fearing the worst "How come you are here?! We were told about the terrible incident of the attack of that huge centipede in Sunagakure and we thought you were..."

"We didn't die! I will tell you the story later. Sunagakure is in great danger. We need your help. Gaara and Shinki stayed, trying to stop the man who was behind all the events from the last months: the attempt to seal capture me, the ambush against Gaara in the Demon Desert, the attack to Feza in the forest, and finally the attack of the creature after the wedding... But I'm not sure if they have enough strength to stop him".

"Who is he?" Temari asked anxiously.

"Haru Kaito", Shukaku replied "The half-brother of the Fourth Kazekage".

"But Gaara killed him when we were kids, on a mission..."

"It was not the real one! And he has been planning this along with some members of the council for years!"

"Oh no..."

"We have to leave now!" Naruto said decisively. "We have always been allies with the Sand and Gaara needs us more than ever!"

"But, Naruto, you cannot simply leave the village" Shikamaru tried to remain calm. "Besides, if you interfere you can be accused of not respecting Sunagakure's political autonomy. I think we should..."

"This is more important than a political matter!" Temari interrupted her husband. "They tried to kill my family and now even the population is in danger".

There was a second of silence. Shikamaru crossed his arms and sighed.

"Fine. I will stay here and take care of everything while you and Naruto go to Suna". Shikamaru said in the end. "I will call Hatake Kakashi and Haruno Sakura to join you. An extra experienced ninja and a medical specialist might be of great help in this situation".

Naruto nodded and quickly prepared the remaining stuff in the office for his departure. For a quick moment, he looked at the morning first sunbeams that started to erase the night darkness and he hoped that his friend Gaara could endure a bit longer, just as he had always done.

A storm of sand and blaze (Gaara fanfiction and The Love Story He Deserves)Where stories live. Discover now