Chapter 12: The secret of the Kazekage

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Gaara trapped Shinki in a coffin of sand after the kid attacked him with all his iron sand fists. They had been practicing for a couple of hours before dinner that Sunday evening.

"You lowered your guard," Gaara said from behind him suddenly.

"You used a sand clone!" Shinki replied trying to escape from the sand coffin.

"You cannot use all your sand to attack your enemy, Shinki. Try always to keep a bit with you".

"I will try to remember it next time, father" The boy sighed. "But you have become so fast with your own sand. I couldn't even notice when you made the clone".

"It's because I have been training with you".

At that moment Gaara released his son from the coffin and kindly he put his hand in Shinki's shoulder. The boy smiled at him sincerely.

"By the way, father..." Shinki mentioned before they left the training arena.


"I was wondering if we are going to attend Hanabi Hyuga's wedding. It's gonna be in the coming weeks, no?"

"You want to go to a wedding?" Gaara frowned smirking a little.

"Feza-san is coming too. She's a good friend of Hanabi. Sometimes when Hatake Kakashi can't train with her, Hanabi is the one who practices with her. However, besides some few people, she doesn't have many friends".

"Oh," Gaara said pensively. "And you want to be supportive..."

"I just understand how awkward it is to be in social events".

"Alright. We can go to the wedding. I don't think there's gonna be any problem if we spend one night outside Sunagakure".

Shinki nodded calmly (but feeling successful in the inside) and then he took out from his pocket a lavender envelop. Gaara smile without even noticing and with his sand he held the letter. Carefully he put it inside his own pocket and both walked towards the dining room.

The Kazekage noticed that during the dinner his big brother looked in an awry way at him from time to time. Once again, Shinki told them he had a fun weekend in Konoha with Kaji Feza.

"That's why I couldn't find you!" Kankuro exclaimed after Shinki mentioned they had gone to the hot springs.

"Sorry, uncle Kankuro" the boy apologized "Next time I won't forget it".

"You spend a lot of time with her, though" Kankuro kept saying with a subtle intention to provoke a reaction "You are gonna cause any possible admirer to run away from her".

"What?" both Shinki and Gaara said at the same time.

"Well, I'm just saying that you, being such a strong and famous shinobi after the chunin exams, it'ss obvious you provoke respect and maybe even fear between other shinobi and men of the villages" Kankuro explained calmly but being very perceptive of his brother's reactions. "I think it is natural that if someone sees you with her so often they will be more cautious or just desert of their intentions".

"But that's the intention in a way, isn't it?" Shinki replied quickly. "We want to protect her ".

"Yeah, but the girl has been living all alone for more than twenty years. Perhaps she wants to meet people, have friends, get married... who knows?"

"She's not interested in that". The boy stated.

"That's what Gaara and I thought about Temari, remember brother?"

"Yes..." Gaara replied thoughtfully. He remembered not being aware of Temari's relationship with the Nara until she told him directly.

"And then suddenly we discovered she was in love with Shikamaru!" Kankuro said. He was enjoying seeing Gaara so worried. Somehow he felt better by confirming his suspicions once and for all. "What I'm saying is that you can never know for sure with women, nephew. Feza-san has been living in Konoha now for more than half a year and she has certainly met new people. Besides, she's not bad looking so she doesn't pass unnoticed".

A storm of sand and blaze (Gaara fanfiction and The Love Story He Deserves)Where stories live. Discover now