Chapter 15: The boy and the snake

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That night Shinki was walking back to Sunagakure. He had gone out of the village to practice by himself some of his stronger techniques. Last week his father had been very busy with his job and the wedding preparations so he didn't want to disturb him with the training.

After a while, Shinki stopped walking for a second and calmly stared at the shiny silver moon. Sometimes when he looked at the night sky he felt a big nostalgia. Inside his head, he remembered the lonely nights he passed by himself in the slums, with no one to care for him or cover him from the coldness of the desert.

The boy smiled without even noticing a second later when a new thought passed through his mind. He couldn't wait to have Feza with them in Sunagakure and to be all together like a real family. He would be able to finally show her the collection of exotic desert flowers that he had grown as a hobby in his father's garden, next to his cacti. And, for the day of the wedding, he had already knitted a lavender shawl to give it as a present to her.

Happily, Shinki started to walk again but something called his attention immediately. There was a snake in the middle of the road. It wasn't a big snake though. It just was black, a color he hadn't seen before in any species of those lands. Without giving much importance to it, he formed a hand with his iron sand and took the snake apart of the road,

However, the snake dissolved once he took it. Shinki blinked and, a second later, he understood it. The snake was made of iron sand like his and those particles were now mixed with his own sand. By dispersing the sand he tried to get rid of it, but it was too late. The other sand was already crawling through his body. It was so thin that he even felt it entering through his pores.

This can't be... But how?... Only me and father have this type of jutsu...

Shinki tried to scream but in the end, no sound could come out of his throat. He felt the force of his muscles was being stolen as if he had turned into a puppet. His eyes saw a big shadow. A big and menacing shadow like the one who attacked Feza in the forest.

It's him!

Shinki could rise some thunders but it was useless to fight. He finally closed his eyes, defeated and fell into the rough sand, having a last shameful thought

How could I be so easily defeated?... I failed...I tainted the name of my father... I...I won't be able to give Feza her wedding present...

A storm of sand and blaze (Gaara fanfiction and The Love Story He Deserves)Where stories live. Discover now