Chapter 17: The void

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"I have to stop that creature now!" Gaara exclaimed and ran back to where he had left his calabash.

"Let me help you," Feza asked him, following him.

"No. You should stay here.". Gaara replied as the layer of sand covered his body again. "It's too dangerous for you"

"I can control my chakra now! I can be of help" She insisted. "The monster follows the heat, right? I can make it follow me and retreat from the city!"

Gaara thought about it for a moment but he shook his head as a response.

"I don't want you to be in danger. Please, stay here. I will be back and..."

An imminent roar came from outside. The Kazekage could not complete his last sentence. Feza tried to say something else but he ran towards the window without saying anything else and jumped swiftly to meet the creature that was destroying the Suna.

The girl ran to the window and felt a bitter squeeze in her stomach. She knew she had to obey the orders of her Kage, of her husband. However, something inside her refused to. She knew he cared for her but Suna was her land now, her people. She wanted the wellness of Gaara as much as he wanted hers.

Feza stood on her feet at the edge of the window. She saw the giant monster devouring everything on its way. It was as if it had no bottom inside, like a void.

The Kazekage's sand won't work, she realized as Gaara and other shinobi tried to stop the beast.


She turned around. It was Shinki at the room's entrance. He seemed so calmed and careless that immediately Feza felt something strange was going on.

"What are you doing there? You should get to hide." Shinki insisted. "Come on. I know a place where you can be safe".

"Why are you not outside helping your father?" She replied anxiously.

"Feza, come with me". He demanded and his voice did not sound like his anymore.

"You did this?"

"You don't understand right now. But you will, eventually." The boy said with anger "Gaara is nothing but a usurper! At least I gave him a heroic end... But I need you by my side. You and I will rule this land. The sand and the fire clans will govern Sunagakure once more".

Shinki threw a whip of magnetic sand towards her but she raised her flames and jumped from the window before he could catch her. Feza opened her wings and traveled through the air quickly towards the zone of cataclysm.

Gaara was trying to immobilize the creature with a burial of sand when he realized that the monster's attitude had just changed. It opened its mouth even more and it removed all the sand around it as if something had just awakened its most primitive instincts.

In the night sky a bird with white and blue feathers raised, increasing the temperature like a sunny day and the Devil of the Dessert forgot everything behind just to follow that light with despair and compulsion,

"Oh no!" the suspired as he impulsed himself as closest as he could to Feza.

The firebird slipped through the air getting away from the city in order to make the monster chase her and drive it away from where the people lived. However, the creature's speed was increasingly inexhaustible. Gaara noticed that Feza could not keep the same pace for long. He tried to support her by using the dessert's sand to stop the monster but it was barely useful since the creature could just swallow and swallow.

Feza looked back and could not see the city anymore. She felt relief that at least she could have been of some help. People at least would be safe. The roaring of the Devil was so close to her now. She could not escape that devouring mouth even if she tried. She would have to think of another plan but at that moment she could not come with anything.

The Devil opened its mouth once more and tilted against the firebird with all its strength. Gaara used its last remaining chakra to impulse himself against Feza to save her from the maw of the beast but the void ended up swallowing both. Like a dark tornado with no end.

A storm of sand and blaze (Gaara fanfiction and The Love Story He Deserves)Where stories live. Discover now