# 2 : Threatened

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 MIA's pov:

" sorry guys I am late" I hurried toward our usual table. I took my seat beside Sophia." Guys do u met Sophia ?" I asked and they nod but Sophia shook her head" nope,not officially."

"Ok" I grinned "guys this is sophia. I call her Sophie but I will give no one the right to call her Sophie" I turned to Sophia and continued "Sophia, the girl with light brown hair and monkey like behaviour is Daisy"

" hey" Daisy slapped my arm. I rubbed the place and continued.

" the guy beside her is Tyler. He is in our football team. Next the guy with glasses is Stephen. As the glasses already told u his story but still I am suggesting whenever you got any problem in studies and homework,just come to him and the next minute u will find your homework is complete"everyone started laughing at my words.

What! Am I that funny!!

"Well,you are funny" a voice came from behind me. I turned to see it was Dean. With him was Jim And Noah. Noah waved a hand toward Daisy and Daisy returned the gesture with a light blush .

Unlike his friend ,Noah is a good gentleman. His sis was once caught up in a one night stand and got pregnant.
As she was still underage,she managed to get an abortion with the help of huge money. Yeah they are rich. Noah and his family get to know about it when the damage was done(I mean the abortion part) and they found that she can never be able to bear a baby. After that Noah never done any one night stand.

"Can we take a seat here?" Jim asked without getting any reply he sat between Daisy And Sophia. Noah sat between Tyler and Daisy. And Dean sat between me and Sophia.

"Let me introduce Sophia to my friend Noah". Dean introduced and they greeted each other.

" actually , we are here to invite you all in my party this saturday. I am asking u all to join the party." Jim replied.

What? No ,I know exactly how would this party will be. This must be a strip party and I can't allow Sophia to go when I already know that Sophia is their target.

I widen my eyes toward Sophia to attract her attention and she does. I immediately shook my head in a sign 'no'. I threatened her with my eyes to say no.

"Why" she mouthed.

"I said no" I mouthed in reply glaring at her to witch she nodded.

"I-i will think about it" Sophia replied.


I let a sigh of relief. I shifted my gaze on the table and find that Deans fingers are hammering the table. I slowly lifted my eyes to him and found a scowl face.

Oops, did he saw something,I mean our silent conversation.

I immediately dropped my gazed frightened for his next move. God please save me.


Finally the bell rang. It is the last period and then I WILL be free from this prison. I hurried toward my locker to grab my books for next period. I hurried toward my locker to grab my books for last period. Suddenly I felt that someone is following me. I turn around and find no one. Well this is creepy because the whole hallway was silent and no one can be seen. Suddenly it has became noman's land where I am the only one alive.


I continued on my path but suddenly turned around and saw a slightly woobling door. It seemed that recently someone entered or exited the room by observing the slightly woobling door. I gulp and slowly went near the door. The room was empty.

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