Dark Agent

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⭐️Chapter 44: Negro

Okay. First thing off the bat was that Hachi already had his ink storm charged. He just needed to figure out when to use it. Second off, he remembered something about Seira saying that the disc blaster's special could illuminate its foes. On one hand, that didn't matter because Hachi was the only person Negro was fighting, but on the other hand, that was bad because Hachi couldn't sneak attack him at that time. Hachi knew his sub weapon was burst bombs, but knowing the sub weapon of the disc blaster was also important. Carefully, he lowered his aim. He wanted to shoot, but he realized he had no ink to hide into to recharge.

Hachi turned around and began inking turf. Negro saw him and was about to shoot, but thought for a moment. After realizing what Hachi was actually doing, he began inking turf as well. Of course, Hachi had naturally finished up before Negro and took the leftover time to hide in his own ink. When Negro turned around, he couldn't see Hachi, and his special hadn't charged...

Hachi watched from his ink as Negro threw something down. It hit him, and a ring immediately formed around him.


It was a point sensor.

That was the sub weapon.

I guess this weapon was more of a support kind if all it did was locate others?

Oh wait.

It was dark out.

Of course.

Hachi, now having been found, quickly leapt out of the puddle as Negro shot at him. He threw a burst bomb, and while it wasn't a direct hit, it did make contact. Negro backed up, and Hachi took this chance to ink some more. He needed to find a chance to use his special so he could charge it up again. Maybe he could land another hit with the bomb? It would leave him with less ink to turf, though...

Negro approached, having shaken off the burst bomb ink, throwing down another sensor when Hachi dove back into his ink to recover. He wouldn't let him have a break, huh. He then fired another shot, hitting Hachi. Hachi quickly backed away. If he was going to use his special, he would need Negro to be trapped within one area for it to have full effect. Maybe he could corner him in one of the hedge corners?

He would have to push for it. He inked a trail around him, and started from the back. Sure enough, Negro moved, and towards the ends too. Hachi kept going, and if he stepped out of line, he threw a burst bomb to get him back on track. When they reached a few feet of the area, Hachi then used the burst bombs again, to push him further. Negro was forced to back up, into the corner that Hachi needed him to.


He threw down his ink storm, and made sure to stay within range of it. Negro knew he had to get out fast, as staying in the storm for the whole duration would DEFINITELY splat him. He needed a way out without Hachi getting to him. He could ink a path around him, but Hachi might throw more burst bombs at him, or shoot. Maybe he could approach head on? No, he'd be forced through the storm. He needed to go to the side.

He went to the side, and began shooting. Hachi threw burst bombs at him, like he expected, but he used the trails inked by his shots to escape.
He got out, and Hachi let out a frustrated breath. He turned to face the corner. That was kinda a stupid idea, as the storm was shorter because of where it was thrown. It could've been out and open in the maze, where it could go for the full duration instead.He needed to plan better, but...he couldn't in the middle of a battle.

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