Chapter 1: Bring Honor To Us All

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The Haruno Family Farm

One morning the small village of the hidden leaf, a young woman with long pink hair is using a pair of chopsticks to balance a grain of rice "Quiet and demure ... graceful, polite, delicate, refined, poised ..." she says to herself, as she picks up a paintbrush and makes a mark on her arm "punctual!" she smiled. " Oh No!" she panicked as she heard the rooster crow from her bedroom window "Kaito! Kaito! Kai-- " she called out for her dog as she blows on her arm, then she glances down at a sleeping dog on the floor. "Ah! There you are!" she smiled as the dog wakes up. "Who's the smartest doggy in the world? C'mon, smart boy! Can you help me with my chores today?" she pats him as she ties a sack of chicken feed to his back, complete with a pole and a bone attached. Kaito immediately chases the bone, running promptly into a wall and then out the door, scattering grain everywhere."

Meanwhile in the family temple, Sakura's father Kizashi Haruno, begins to pray "Honorable Ancestors ... please help Sakura impress the Matchmaker today. Kaito followed by a herd of chickens, bursts into the family temple. "Please, please help her." he begged "Father, I brought you some ... Whoop!" Sakura comes up the steps with a cup and teapot of green tea and bumps into him, but he catches the tea pot on his cane while the cups hit the ground and shatter. "Sakura ..." her father said "I brought a spare!" Sakura smiled as held out the extra cup "Sakura ..." he said again " Remember, the doctor said three cups of tea in the morning and three at night" she explained as she poured his tea for him "Sakura. You should already be in town. We're counting on you to ..." Kizashi explained but was interrupted " Uphold the family honor. Don't worry, Father. I won't let you down." Sakura smiled as she covered her arm "Wish me luck!" she shouted as she went to the barn to mount her horse Kurama. "Hurry! I'm going to ... pray some more." he says looking at Kaito who was chewing on his bone.

In The Village

"Mebuki where is your daughter? The Matchmaker is not a patient woman." Shizune the beauty salon owner asked her "Of all the days to be late! I should have prayed to the ancestors for luck." Mebuki sighed "How lucky can they be? They're dead" Granny Tsunade rolled her eyes "besides, I've got all the luck we'll need" she explained as she held up a wicker cage with a cricket inside. " "Alright Kona,This is your chance to prove yourself." she whispered to the little cricket. She closes her eyes and steps off the sidewalk. walking into heavy traffic "Granny! No!" Mebuki shouted as Granny Tsunade walks across the street; vehicles crash, but she emerges unharmed. "Yup! This cricket's a lucky one!" Tsunade shouts. Sakura comes riding up on Kurama, and hops off. "I'm here!" she shouted as she looks at her mom "What? But, Mama, I had to--" Sakura began to argue "None of your excuses. Now, let's get you cleaned up." Mebuki explained

Begin "Honor to us all"

(AN: The italicized words are the singing parts)


This is what you give me to work with?

Well, honey, I've seen worse.

We're going to turn this sow's ear

Into a silk purse.

Sakura: It's freezing!

Mebuki: It would've been warm, if you were here on time.


We'll have you, washed and dried

Primped and polished till you glow with pride

Just my recipe for instant bride

You'll bring honor to us all.


Sakura, what's this?


Uh ... notes ... in case I forget something.

Granny Tsunade:

Hold this. [Hands Konato Mebuki] We're going to need more luck than I thought.


Wait and see, when we're through


Boys will gladly go to war for you


With good fortune


And a great hairdo


You'll bring honor to us all.

A girl can bring her family

Great honor in one way

By striking a good match

And this might be the day


Men want girls with good taste






Who work fast-paced


With good breeding


And a tiny waist


You'll bring honor to us all.

We all must serve our Emperor

Who guards us from the Huns

A man by bearing arms

A girl by bearing sons


When we're through,

You can't fail

Like a lotus blossom, soft and pale

How could any fellow say, "No sale"?

You'll bring honor to us all!

Mebuki :

There, you're ready.

Granny Tsunade:

Not yet! An apple for serenity

A pendant for balance

Beads of jade for beauty

You must proudly show it

Now, add a cricket, just for luck,

And even you can't blow it!


Ancestors, hear my plea,

Please don't let me make a fool of me

And to not uproot my family tree

Keep my father standing tall.

Scarier than the Undertaker,

We are meeting our matchmaker!

Destiny, guard our girls,

Help our future as it fast unfurls

Please look kindly on these cultured pearls

Each a perfect porcelain doll ...

Please bring honor to us

Please bring honor to us

Please bring honor to us

Please bring honor to us

Please bring honor to us all!

" Sakura Haruno?" the matchmaker asked "Present!" Sakura announced "Speaking without permission ..." the old woman scolded "Oops ..." Sakura sulked as she follows the match maker inside the house " "Who spit in her bean curd?" Tsunade asked Mebuki.

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