Chapter 16: Saving The Hokage

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   Inside the palace, on a balcony, the Akatsuki hold the Hokage. Madara sticks his head in their faces. "Boo" he snickered "Kabuto! Hidan! Guard the door!" he ordered the two men "Your walls and armies have fallen. And now it's your turn. Bow to me." he ordered the Hokage, without flinching. 

  Outside, Sakura and the Gang of Three prepare to get past the guards "Okay. Any questions?" she whispered "Does this dress make me look fat?" Kiba asked then Sakura slapped him "Ow!" The four "girls" walk near the guards, giggling. "Who's there?" Kabuto asked as the girls walked by "Concubines" Hidan nudged Kabuto "Ugly concubines" Kabuto retorted.  An apple rolls out of Lee's dress, one of the guards picks it up. The hawk notices Sasuke hiding, and tries to call out, but Naruto breaths fire and torches him "now that's what I call Mongolian barbecue" he snickers making Kono laugh. The guard hands the apple to Lee, but the Gang of Three all pull fruit out of their dresses and attack the guards. "Sasuke! Go!" Sakura shouted Sasuke runs up the stairs and into the room where Madara and the Hokage are.

   "I tire of your arrogance, old man. Bow to me!" Madara ordered "No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it" the Hokage responded. Madara became angry and raised his sword at the Hokage "Then you will kneel ... in pieces!" he roared as he swings the sword, Sasuke rushes in and blocks it. He is swung around a pillar, and then kicks Sasuke in the face. "Choji, get the Hokage!" Sakura yelled, Choji looks at the Hokage and grabs him "Sorry, Lord Sixth" he bows then picks up the Hokage, and, using his silk belt, slides down the cord paper lanterns are strung on.  Madara looks down below in disbelief "No!" he shouts then picks up Sasuke and smashes his head against Sasuke. Sakura winces, then looks down at the ground, where Kiba and Lee are waiting. "Come On!" Kiba shouts. 

   Sakura looks back at the unconscious Sasuke, and at Madara who is approaching him. She pulls Madara's sword out of the pillar and cuts the cord. People below cheer "No!" he roared then turns to Sasuke, who is now conscious. "You! You took away my victory!" Madara snapped but was hit by a shoe "No! I did" Sakura said as she pulls back her hair. Madara looks in surprise "The soldier from the mountain!" he gasped abandoning Sasuke, he chases after Sakura, who is putting on her shoe. She slams the door shut, and he rams his fist through the wood. Sakura is joined by Naruto and Kono, riding the feather-less hawk. 

  "So what's the plan?" Naruto asked "Ummmmm ..." Sakura shrugged "YOU DON'T HAVE A PLAN?" Naruto yelled "Hey, I'm making this up as I ... go ... " she paused as they pass a window she notices a pile of fireworks and two men.  "Naruto.." she looked at the dragon "Way ahead of you, sister! C'mon, Kono!" he smiled. They jump onto a paper kite decoration and float across to the tower. Madara attacks Sakura, and she climbs up a pole. Madara cuts down the pole, and Sakura and the pole go through the wall. She jumps up and grabs onto the roof and pulls herself up. She looks across to where Naruto and Kono are gathering ammunition.

  "Citizens. I need firepower!" Naruto announced "Who are you?" the citizen asked "Your worst nightmare." Naruto answered looking fierce. The two men jump off the tower scared to death,  "Look! On the roof!" Lee shouts. Sakura backs along the roof, measuring the distance with her hands. Madara crashes through the roof and raises his sword. Sakura pulls out a paper fan. "Guess you're out of ideas." he snickered then stabs the sword through the fan. 

   Sakura turns it around and readies the sword "Not quite" Sakura replied "Ready, Naruto?" she shouts. "I am ready, baby!" Naruto shouts with a rocket strapped to his back. He breaths fire on a stick and hands it to Kono. "Light me!" he shouts. Sakura kicks Madara in the face, then trips him and pins his shirt to the ground with the sword. Kono lights the fuse, and the rocket slams Madara straight into the firework tower. Sakura picks up Naruto "Get off the roof, get off the roof!" she shouts as the fireworks explode, she jumps, catches a lantern and swings down the cord, then drops onto Sasuke, who is running down the stairs. Madara's sword and Naruto land nearby. "Ahahahahahaha!" Naruto roars with laughter as  he catches Kono "You are a lucky bug!" he smiles as Sasuke gives Sakura a hand, and is greeted by the gang of three. 

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