Chapter 3: My True Reflection

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At the Haruno Farm

Sakura is greeted with a warm smile by her father, but she feels humiliated and turns away taking Kurama to the stable. As she took his reins off, she looked at the water staring at her her reflection.

Sakura: Look at me ... I will never pass for a perfect bride

Or a perfect daughter

Can it be?

I'm not meant to play this part?

Now I see

That if I were truly to be myself

I would break my family's heart.

Who is that girl I see

Staring straight back at me

Why is my reflection someone I don't know

Somehow I cannot hide

Who I am, though I've tried

When will my reflection show

Who I am inside?

When will my reflection show

Who I am, inside?

Sakura's father comes and sits beside Sakura on the bench "My, my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year." Kizashi tries to lighten the mood but failing "But look, this one's late. I bet when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all." he smiles as he puts the flower in her pink hair. Then that moment ended when the village drums began to beat "What is it?" Sakura asks Hidden Leaf soldiers and Might Guy come riding over a hill. "Sakura, stay inside" her mother said, Granny Tsunade patted Sakura on the shoulder and climbs to the top of a low roof to watch.

"Citizens! I bring a proclamation from the Royal City! The Akatsuki have invaded the land of Fire! By order of the Hokage, one man from every family must serve in the Shinobi Army." Might Guy announces "The Chow Family! The Yee Family!" I will serve the Emperor in my father's place." the man replies "The Haruno Family!" Might Guy shouts "No!" Sakura says "I am ready to serve the Emperor." Kizashi replied as he was about to take the scroll "Father, you can't go!" Sakura begged "Sakura!" her father gasped "Please, sir, my father has already fought for--" Sakura begged "Silence!" Might Guy  snapped "You will do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man's presence." "Sakura, You dishonor me" Kizashi said coldly "Report tomorrow at the Moo-Shung Camp" Might Guy says as he hands him the scroll "Yes, sir" Kizashi bows and returned to the house.

  Later that evening Kizashi yanks open his bedroom closet, revealing a Shinobi warrior uniform and unsheaths a sword. Sakura watches. He practices techniques, but his leg gives out and he falls against a pillar, panting.

At dinner Sakura pours the tea, then sets her cup down with a bang. "You shouldn't have to go!" Sakura shouts at her father "Sakura!" Mebuki yelped "There are plenty of young men to fight for The Land of Fire!" Sakura added "It is an honor to protect my country and my family" Kizashi explains "So you'll die for honor." Sakura asks "I will die doing what's right." Kizashi retorted "But if you ..." Sakura tried to explain but was interrupted "I know my place. It is time you learned yours" Kizashi snaps ending their discussion.
   Sakura stares at her father for a moment, then runs outside in the pouring rain crying, while Kizashi sits back down and continues to eat his diner.

   Sakura is sitting in a statue of a dragon, crying. She looks at the window of her house, she can see her mother and father talking. Kizashi picks up the candle and blows it out. Sakura thinks for a minute, then makes her decision.

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