(1) When Best Friends Fight

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Andy's POV

"We're going to a club!" Rye announced, running into my room where Sonny and I were sitting on my bed.

"Why?" I groaned, not particularly fond of the idea of being surrounded by drunk people.

"Because we haven't got work tomorrow and I wanna get wasted." He grinned as he sat down beside me, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"I'm down." Sonny spoke up, turning back to his phone.

"Yes Ryan! Please come with us Fovvs. Harper and Brook have already agreed." He begged.

I sighed, never being able to say no to him.


"Yay!" He cheered, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before running out of the room, presumably to get ready.

I stood up, heading to my wardrobe to grab some clothes before going for a shower. When I was done, I checked the time and saw it was 10PM. I sighed, knowing it would be a long night. I walked downstairs and was practically dragged out of the house by an excited Rye.

We arrived at the club and Rye headed straight to the bar, ordering a drink. Brook and Harper went straight to the dance floor, and me and Sonny went and sat at a table in the corner, neither of us really into drinking and dancing.

"So, why were you so reluctant to come tonight?" He asked me over the loud music.

I shrugged. "Just didn't feel like it. Tomorrow we'll be dealing with a grumpy hung over Rye, and he's never fun."

He laughed, pulling out his phone. I just sat there, looking at all the people having fun. There were a lot of couple making out, which is one of the reasons I hated this kind of environment. They just couldn't keep it in their pants!

A few hours later, Sonny had left to find Rye and I was on my own. I looked over when I saw a guy sit down across from me. He had light brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hey cutie." He smiled.

"Hi?" I replied, not sure why he was flirting with me.

"My name's Alex, what's yours?"


"You're gorgeous."


"Here's my number." He said, handing me a slip of paper.

I frowned as I took it from him, full of confusion.

"Call me." He winked, walking away.

Why was he flirting with me? Did he think I was gay? Was it something about the way I looked? Did I look gay?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket when I felt it vibrate, and saw it was Harper calling me.

"What's up mate?" I answered.

"Come outside quickly. Rye and Sonny are fighting and I can't stop them on my own."

I hung up and quickly ran outside, seeing Sonny pinned up against the wall by Rye. Sonny had a bloody nose and a cut lip, whereas Rye had a black eye. He raised his fist to punch the taller boy again, but I quickly stopped him, grabbing him by the waist and pulling him away from Sonny.

"What the fuck is going on?" I shouted.

"He started it!" Rye growled, glaring at Sonny who was smirking as he leant against the wall.

"I didn't even do anything. You're the one who was getting jealous."

Rye tried to charge at him, but I pulled him back, tightening my hold around his waist. He clung to me, turning around to hug me back.

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