(14) This Is Me

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yeahh the pov changes upset me as well


Brianna's POV

"Are you sure?"

I was in the bathroom of whoever's house we were in with Amelia, who was curled up on the floor as she sobbed her heart out. I so desperately wanted to comfort my best friend, but I was hesitant to do so after what she had accused Rye of.

"I saw it with my own eyes, Brie. They kissed."

"But are you sure? Surely I would've known if he was....." I shook my head. "Rye's always been.... normal."

She looked up and I saw nothing but pain in her eyes. I knew straight away that she was telling the truth, but I struggled to believe that Rye was anything but straight. He had only ever shown interest in girls. In me.

"You know what? Believe what you want." She snapped, rising to her feet. She shoved past me, avoiding my grasp as I reached out to grab her wrist. "I thought I'd have my best friend by my side to help me get through this. Obviously not."

"Amelia, wait!" I shouted after her, but she was already gone.


~the next day~

Andy's POV

I knocked on his door, petrified of how this exchange was going to go down. We hadn't spoken since the night before. After I ran out of the party, I had gone straight home, doing my best to avoid everyone all night. I highly doubted the boys knew what happened, but I was scared of what they would think when they found out.

"Rye? Please talk to me."

"No, go away."

I sighed, leaning my head against the door. "Please Rye. I want to apologise for what happened last night."

To my surprise, he opened the door. I stepped back, looking up at him as he glared at me.

"You shouldn't have kissed me."

I didn't.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

You kissed me first.

"Can't we just put this behind us? I don't want to lose you Rye." I was on the verge of a breakdown by that point. Rye knew this, and no matter how pissed he was at me, he still loved me. He was my best friend and he would never leave me to deal with a breakdown alone.

He pulled me into his chest, running his fingers through my hair to calm me down.

"Shh, it's alright Fovvs. We're still mates."

"Really?" I whispered.

"Of course. I love you Andy. Nothing could change that. But you need to understand that's all this will ever be. A friendship. I'm not gay."


"Okay. Can we just pretend this never happened?"


I smiled, glad to know I still had my best friend.

Even though that was all he'd ever be.

There was a knock on the door that pulled me out of my thoughts. I headed downstairs to see who it was and was shocked, and slightly disappointed, to see Amelia at the door.


I gave her a nod and moved to the side to let her in. I closed the door behind her just as Rye entered the room.

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