(18) It's Never Gonna Happen

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Andy's POV

After the 'date' with Sonny, we had been closer than ever. I still didn't know what was going on between us but I liked whatever it was. I had been spending less time with Rye but I had seen that coming. I guess it was nice having Sonny around to fill the empty space Rye left in my life.

"Andy? Amelia's here to see you." Brook shouted from downstairs. I sighed, telling him to send her up.

"Hey, I thought we could hang out." She beamed once she had entered my room.

"Really? Not still upset with me for being gay?"

"Of course not." She answered, sitting beside me on my bed.

"I miss you. We used to have a laugh, didn't we? I want to be your mate again."

I smiled a genuine smile. Despite the fact that she annoyed me most of the time, I did miss her. We were good friends once and all I wanted was for things to go back to the way they used to be.

"That would be nice. But wouldn't you rather hang out with Brianna?"

"Not really. She's always with Rye nowadays. I'm glad they're back together though."

I nodded, not meeting her gaze. I was happy for Rye, but my feelings towards him hadn't changed. If anything, I was jealous that Brianna got to call herself his girlfriend. I'd give anything to call the brunette mine. "Me too."

"Just goes to show that good couples can make it through anything." She mumbled, shifting closer to me.

"We still talking about Rye and Brianna?" I laughed awkwardly.

"Of course. You didn't think I was talking about you and I, did you?" She giggled, eyes full of nerves.

I gave her a half hearted smile. It was nice spending time with her but I couldn't help but wish I was with Sonny instead. Or even Rye.

"Anyway, I've met someone, you know?"

"Really?" I asked in surprise, a smile breaking out on my face. This meant she was moving on. That's all I ever wanted.

"Tell me about him. Is he hot?"

She blushed, nodding slightly.

"Who is he?"

"One of Kai's friends. We're taking things slow and seeing how it goes."

"I'm really happy for you. I've kinda met someone too." I admitted.

She frowned. "Who?"

"Don't tell anyone but Sonny and I have been getting closer recently." I told her.

Her eyes widened in pure shock. "Wow, I wasn't expecting that. I think I should go. Have fun with Sonny."

I grabbed her arm before she could leave. "What's your problem?"

She sighed. "Are you sure Sonny is a good match for you? Things didn't exactly work out with Rye."

"So you're saying I should reject Sonny just because Rye is straight?"

"No, I'm just saying that maybe you should take a break from crushing on random boys." She snapped. "Could give you a bad image."

"I like him. If you can't accept that then I suggest you stay out of my business."

"Don't worry." She spat. "That's exactly what I plan to do."

She ran out after that and I didn't bother going after her. That was more than enough proof that she wasn't fully over me and it was understandable. I might not have liked her as much as I made out to, but there's no doubt in my mind that Amelia was practically in love with me. I just hoped I didn't break her heart too badly. She was a nice girl and she deserved happiness.

"Woah, is there any reason I almost just got shoved down the stairs by Amelia?" A voice spoke from the doorway. My head shot up to reveal Rye stood there awkwardly, a shy smile on his face.

"She found out I was seeing someone and freaked out." I sighed, not understanding why I was telling him. He hadn't spoken to me since I came out.

"You're seeing someone? Who is he?"

I rolled my eyes. "I know you're not okay with me being gay so you don't have to act like you're interested."

"Fovvs, I don't care about your sexuality." He groaned. "You're still my best mate."

"So why have you been avoiding me then?"

"Because...." he trailed off, nervously scratching the back of his neck. "Because I knew about your... crush on me and I wanted to make sure-"

"What? You wanted to make sure I didn't make a move on you?" I scoffed.

"No, I wanted to give you time to get over me. And by the looks of it, you have. So go on, tell me who you're seeing."

I gave in, not seeing any reason to lie to him. It's not like it would make him jealous.

"It's Sonny. We're not exactly seeing each other but we've been getting really close recently."

"Oh." There was a tone to his voice I didn't like but I couldn't work out what it was. "So you like Sonny now? How many more of your bandmates are you gonna go through?"

I glared at him and he awkwardly cleared his throat. "It was a joke."

"Not funny. And I don't know if I like him. I-I think so."

"I'm happy for you Andy." He smiled.

I smiled back. "Thanks."

"What's the deal with you and Amelia then?" He questioned, leaning back against my now closed door.

"She seems to think there's still a chance we could get back together. I don't want to hurt her but I can't handle her obsessiveness anymore."

"She knows you're gay right?"

I nodded.

"Then she should just accept that and be your mate. She needs to let go of how she feels about you and realise that it's never going to happen."

I could sense the underlying meaning in his words and I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed at what he was implying. He wanted me to get over him because he was straight and I was never going to be with him. I was getting over him. I was trying to move on with Sonny.

But you can't fall out of love overnight.

authors note -
this is one of my least favourite books which is why i rarely update but i'll keep at it for you lot.

bye peasants Xx

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