(15) Moving On?

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Andy's POV

"Guys, Andy has something to tell you all." Rye announced to the boys as we made our way downstairs, finding them all sat in the living room. I had finally come out to Rye a few minutes after Amelia had left. Well, I hadn't planned on coming out. But he had asked why she had run out in tears and I couldn't lie to him.

"Is this about what happened at the party?" Harper questioned.

"What? What happened?" Brook tilted his head in confusion.

"Andy and Rye k-"

"Shut up Harper!" Rye warned. I knew full well that he didn't have a problem with me being gay, but he didn't want anyone assuming he was.

I looked over at Sonny who was smirking back at me.

"What did you want to tell us Andy?"

"I'm, uh- I'm gay." I decided to just be brutally honest with them. They were my best friends. Surely they wouldn't have a problem with it, right?

"I'm so proud of you." Brook exclaimed, which me smile. Harper gave me a quick thumbs up. Sonny didn't speak. He just carried on smirking at me.

"Ryry?" I spoke, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Sonny was probably the one person I cared about the most after Rye. If he hated me for who I was then I had no idea what I'd do. I knew he had no issue with it though. He had known about my feelings for Rye this entire time.

"So you finally came to terms with it? Good for you."

He stood up, pulling me into a hug.

"I love you Fovvs." He whispered in my ear, pecking my cheek. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Rye glaring at the interaction slightly, but I chose to ignore it.

"Okay, should we go out to celebrate?" Brook suggested, Harper and Rye nodding in agreement.

"I'd rather just stay in." I admitted, exhausted from everything that had happened recently. I knew me being gay would eventually cause some issues, but I thought I was at least strong enough to face what was coming with my head held high. I guess I was wrong.

"Me too. You guys should still go out though." Sonny smiled.

Harper and Brook excitedly bounced out of the house, Rye following them a bit more hesitantly.

"Bye guys." I called, making my way upstairs. Sonny followed me into my room, closing the door behind us and sitting down next to me on my bed.

"Wanna play some fifa?" I shrugged.

"Sure." He said.

I bent down to plug in the Xbox, grabbing two controllers.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I chuckled nervously when I caught him staring at me as I stood back up.

He just shook his head, silently requesting for me to let it go. I obliged, taking my seat beside him once more before starting the game.


Rye's POV

"So how do you feel about all this?" Harper queried once we were sat at the bar with our drinks in hand. Brook had already disappeared, leaving the blonde and I alone for a bit.

"About what? Andy?"

He nodded, taking a sip. "Everyone knows about your kiss."

"Nothing's changed." I muttered.

"Apart from the fact that last week nobody thought you were gay."

I frowned, staring straight into my glass. It wasn't that I cared what people thought of me. What bothered me was what people would say if I genuinely was gay. Would I be bullied? Made fun of? What would my family think? What would Brianna think?

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