(12) I Am (not) Gay

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i update this book too much lmao i hate myself

but meet eddie (aka my favourite boy on this earth i could not live without him)


Andy's POV

I could feel Ryes eyes on me as I sat with Amelia's hand in mine, a smile plastered on my face as I listened to whatever story she was telling. I glanced over and he quickly averted his gaze, turning back to his own girlfriend who was sat in his lap, arms wrapped around his neck.

"It's nice to see them back together, isn't it?" Amelia cooed.

"Yep." I nodded. She stood up, grabbing my hand.

"Andy, let's dance."

"But there's no music playing." I chuckled, allowing her to pull me up anyway. We were hanging out at local park, the absence of people rather strange.

"Who cares?"

My arms wrapped around Amelia's waist didn't feel right anymore. Well it never had felt right in the first place. I couldn't help but think it should be Rye who I was dancing with. But that would never happen, so I had to pretend my heart belonged to Amelia, when in reality every piece of it belonged to him.

I lied to him. Of course I did. The only way for me to get my best friend back was to lie to him. To tell him I didn't mean it when I said I was in love with him. To swallow my feelings and live with the constant pain that seeing him brought me. To pretend to be someone I wasn't.

But if I still wanted him in my life, I'd have to pretend. I had to make him believe that I was truly head over heels in love with Amelia. I guess I was lucky that I had to pretend with a gorgeous, kind girl instead of some self obsessed slut.

Amelia really was one of the nicest people I had ever met. If it wasn't for the obvious elephant in the room, I think I could have really fallen for her. I couldn't though. I'd just have to make it really fucking convincing to everyone that I had.

I had to get over him, even if it killed me.

So I pulled my girlfriend closer and tried to drown out my thoughts.

I was straight. I had to be.


Brianna's POV

"You know I don't like Kai, right?"

"Yeah." Rye answered, seemingly uninterested in the conversation.

"I was drunk. The only one I love is you. You know that right?"

He finally turned to me, smiling as he pulled me into a kiss.

"I know. I love you too."

"Great. I sent Kai a text telling him to stay away from us." I lied, remembering what actually happened.

I entered into the shop where Amelia had told me Kai worked. I walked straight to the counter, rolling my eyes at the look in his eyes and the smirk on his face when he saw me.

"Can I help you love?"

I glared at him. "Yeah you can. I just came to tell you that the other night was a mistake. I'm happy with Rye, and I don't need you fucking things up."

"Oh, forget about him Brie. You know you can't resist me." He winked.

I frowned, stepping away from the counter slightly.

"I love Rye. Get that through your thick skull. You and I won't ever happen. Amelia will make sure of it."

"Oh, you think my little sister owns me? She doesn't, and I know for a fact that she doesn't own you either. You'll come running back in no time." He chuckled, shooing me away once he was satisfied that he had won.

I couldn't do anything but groan, storming out of his shop.

I really did love Rye. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me. He made me laugh more than anyone else I knew. He was fit - but that was just a bonus - and super funny, kind, caring, loving- I could go on for hours. I loved how he acted around his family, immediately going into big brother mode.

It's so strange how you can fall in love with someone in such a small amount of time, but I knew it was real.

I had fallen for Ryan Beaumont.

And I really fucking hoped he loved me too.


Andy's POV

I had no idea how long we had been dancing for, but Rye had had enough of it. He dragged me away from Amelia, telling her he needed to talk to me. He lead me around the back of a nearby building.

"What the hell are you doing?" He seethed.

"What are you on about?" I questioned, genuinely confused.

"I don't want Amelia to get hurt, which she will do if you keep lying about fancying her." He accuses.

"I'm not lying."

"You can't just put up an act to hide your real feelings."

"I assume you're talking about me declaring my love for you."

He didn't reply, leaning against the wall.

"I told you I got mixed up. I love Amelia." I continued.

"You really believe that?"


I didn't answer.

"Andy, don't lie to me. If you like me, just admit it. We can work through it. It won't ruin us." I was curious as to when his opinion had suddenly changed. He was the one who said there was no going back, so why was he now acting like he didn't care if I loved him?

I took a deep breath, choosing my path.

"Rye." I started, placing my hands on his shoulders. I forced my eyes not to flicker to his lips, instead focusing on his own chocolate orbs that held so many emotions that I didn't understand.

"I love Amelia. She's the one I want to be with."

He stared straight back at me. "Why?"

I shrugged. "She's a girl. I'm a boy. Couldn't be more normal."

He seemed to be searching my eyes for something unknown. I tried so hard not to break under his intense gaze. I had to keep up the act. This was the way it had to be.

He frowned, shaking his head.

"Andy, just tell me once and for all what you are."

"Rye, I am definitely not gay."

He nodded slowly, pushing himself off the wall before leaving me alone with my messed up head.

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