(9) I'm in Love With...

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wattpad makes me feel so single man


Brianna's POV

"Rye!" I shouted, following him out of the club. I caught up with him once we made it outside, and he glared at me as though I was the dirt on his shoe.

"What is it?" He snapped.

"I don't understand. What happened? Why are you mad at me? At Andy?" I asked, willing myself not to cry. It was all too much at once and I had no idea what I'd done wrong.

"Oh, of course you're concerned about Andy. Why don't you just stop pretending and go be with him instead? That's obviously what you really want!" He spat.

"I don't want to be with Andy. What are you on about?"

"Stop lying to me! I saw the way you looked at each other. You were all over him."

"Rye, Andy and I are just mates. It's you who I want to be with." I grabbed his arm but he shoved me away.

"Give it a rest Brie. Amelia told me everything. Andy's in love with you, and you're in love with him."

My eyes widened. "Look, I don't know what Amelia told you but she's talking nonsense. I don't know how Andy feels, but what I do know is that I only have feelings for you." I tried explaining.

"Well it's your fault he likes you!" He shouted.

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me like that anyway." I muttered.

"And you're sad about it? Huh?"

"Of course not! Andy is my mate and I would never do anything to ruin my relationship with him."

"Oh, but you don't mind losing me if it means you get to keep your secret admirer?" He scoffed, turning to walk away.

"How can you be sure he actually likes me?"

"Amelia told me he dumped her because he liked someone else. Of course it's you. Who else would it be?"

"Have you asked him?"

"I don't want to speak to him ever again." He snarled.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't ruin everything over a misunderstanding. I'm sure Amelia just got her wires crossed."

He stomped towards me until we were face to face.

"You know, I'm sick of having my heart broken by girls who just want to use me. I thought you were different. I guess I was wrong. You're a slut, and I'm better off without you. Stay away from me. We're over!"

I sank to the floor in tears as I watched him walk away. I felt arms wrap around me and heard Amelia's voice.

"Come on, let's get you home."

I shoved her away, standing up.

"Don't touch me! This is all your fault!"

"Mine? How is this my fault? I'm the victim here! It isn't your boyfriend who's in love with me, is it? Maybe if you didn't walk around half naked all the time, Andy would have paid more attention to the fact that that's all you are. A face." She screamed.

Before I did something I knew I'd regret, I walked away.


Andy's POV

I hissed as Sonny held the ice pack to my jaw. The skin where Rye's fist once laid had been replaced by a large purple bruise. There was no hiding it as I arrived home, Sonny immediately rushing over to ask if I was okay.

I told him everything. Well, not everything. All I said was that I had broken up with Amelia and Rye had punched me. I hadn't told him why yet. I wasn't even 100% sure myself. What had Amelia said to him to make him so angry? I knew it was serious because Rye would never have touched me otherwise.

Once Sonny had finished sorting out my face, he led me to his room. He pulled me onto the bed with him and I cuddled into his chest.

"Care to explain what's going on?" He asked. I sighed.

"I ended things with Amelia, as you know. Then later on we were hanging out with Rye and Brie, and I noticed Amelia talking to him as I danced with Brianna. Before I knew it, Rye came charging up to me and punched me in the jaw."


"I remember him telling me to stay away from his girlfriend. He thinks I like Brianna!" I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous that was. She really wasn't my type.

"Why did you break up with Amelia?" He questioned.

I frowned, knowing I'd have to tell the truth. If I lied, Sonny would surely see right through me.

"I like someone else." I whispered.

"Who?" He sounded relatively calm, and I was pretty sure he already knew.

"It doesn't matter. " I mumbled.

"Fovvs, it's the only thing that matters. Was this person really worth ending your relationship for?" He pushed, although I could tell he already knew the answer.


Not girl.


"They're worth risking everything for." I admitted.

"Then tell them. Or settle for second best." He whispered the last part, holding me tighter.

"I don't want second best. I want THE best."

I looked up and saw him frown, but it quickly became a smile. He softly pushed me out of the bed.

"Then go find the best."

I took his advice and made my way to Rye's room, finally building up the courage to explain everything. And I mean everything.

I knocked and he opened the door, immediately trying to shut it again when he saw it was me.

"Just let me explain, please!" I begged. He sighed, opening the door and shifting out the way so that I could go in.

"This better be good." He growled, slamming the door shut and sitting down on his bed.


"Rye, whatever Amelia said isn't true. I'm not into Brie like that." I stated calmly.

"Well she seems to think you are. Why is that?" He glared.

"Because I ended things with her and she just assumed there was someone else." I sighed, tentatively taking a seat beside him on the bed.

"Is there someone else?"

I took a deep breath. This is it.

"I am in love with someone, yes. But it isn't Brianna."

"Then who is it?"

I looked him in the eyes. The same eyes that used to hold so much love towards me. The same eyes that now held anger and betrayal.

"Rye, it's-" the words wouldn't form in my mouth. I cleared my throat, looking down. I needed to tell him.

"It's just- we've gotten really close and now I've fucked it all up." I told him, hinting at what I wanted to say.

"Amelia?" He gasped.

I raised an eyebrow, and he nodded his head in realisation.

"You're in love with Amelia, but you're scared."


"That's why you broke it off with her. You were scared you would fuck the relationship up?" He asked, but it was more like a statement.

His eyes softened and I found myself reluctantly agreeing. "Yes. I'm in love with Amelia."

He smiled, pulling me into a hug. "Why didn't you just tell me? It's okay. I'm really sorry for punching you. I just got the wrong end of the stick. Don't worry, I'll help you get her back."

I nodded, pulling away and quickly rushing into my own room, only just managing to close the door before the tears began to fall.

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