(31) Hope

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Rye's POV

The silence was eerie and uncomfortable. All eyes were on Andy and I and there was nothing I wanted more than to escape the situation. I wanted to run and avoid the confrontation I knew would come eventually.

This couldn't be avoided. Even if I broke up with Brianna myself, she'd want to know why and I'd be forced to tell her the truth. I'd have to look her in the eyes and tell her I had fallen for someone else. A boy. I couldn't do that to her. But it would've been better than this.

"You told her." I gritted, flaring my nostrils and glaring at the boy across the room. He was leant against the wall with a bored expression, not saying a word as I charged at him.

"You swore you wouldn't say anything you prick!" I raged, shoving backward when he stepped towards me.

"I'll kill you!" I shouted, raising my fist and punching him across the face.

"Rye!" Andy screamed, gasps leaving everyone's mouths at my outburst. I couldn't concentrate on anyone beside the boy laying on the floor underneath me, coughing up blood as I continued throwing punches at him.

"Get off him!" Andy cried, trying to pull me away, but I was a lot stronger than him. It took both Jack and Harper to rip us apart, Andy rushing to Sonny's side to make sure he was okay.

"What was that?!" Brianna shouted in disbelief as Sonny ran outside, Brooklyn in tow.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"Got pissed because I found out about your disgusting little affair?"

"It's not an affair." I argued and she scoffed.

"What is it then? Love?"

"Yes." Andy spoke up, all eyes now on him while Brianna was his sole focus.

"We never meant to hurt you Brie, but we fell for each other."

"I can't believe this." She muttered, Harper trying to calm her down.

"Why'd you say that?" I hissed at Andy. He looked at me, shaking his head before he left as well.

"Brianna, please. Let me explain."

"I think you've said enough!" Harper snapped, shoving me backwards. "How could you do this to her? Brianna loves you! You had this amazing, funny, kind, beautiful girl right here. She was yours to love. But you decided to settle for a dirty queer instead-"

I shut him up with a slap to the face, Brianna pulling him back before I could do any more damage.

"Stop lashing out and calm the fuck down!" She scolded.

"Please just let me explain."

"Don't let him Brie." Harper piped up, receiving another glare from me.

"You have five minutes." She frowned, Harper storming out with a sigh.


Andy's POV

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly, handing Sonny an ice pack. He mumbled a thank you, resting it against his bruised cheek.

"As okay as one can be after they've been beaten up." He joked, voice weak as he let out a cough. "Thanks for trying to stop him though."

"I'm sorry. Rye shouldn't have reacted like that. He was just pissed that you told everyone."

"I didn't though."

"Wait, what?"

He nodded towards Harper who was talking to Brooklyn in the corner. "He overheard our conversation and was just delighted to let Brianna know what was going on."

"But why would he do that?"

He shrugged. "He hates Rye and fancies Brianna. He doesn't give a shit about the consequences as long as he ends up with the pretty girl."

I finally understood why Harper had been acting so weird since I came out. He'd been avoiding both Rye and I for weeks, only ever speaking to us when necessary. I was surprised to hear about his apparent crush on Brianna, but I guess it wasn't really much of a shock. Harper's two favourite things in life were singing and women.

"Wait, why didn't you say anything? You let Rye think it was you who grassed. You let him beat you up."

He smiled sadly at me. "You think it would've made a difference if I did? Rye wouldn't have believed me anyway so what was the point?"

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, taking his hand in mine.

"It's not your fault Rye can't control his temper."

"I'm not just talking about today. I'm sorry for everything. For not loving you back. For cheating on you with Rye. For causing you so much heartache. Fuck, I've hurt you so badly."

"Andy, it's okay. You don't need to be sorry for any of that."


"No, listen to me." He said sternly, turning to the side with a wince. "I've told you so many times to stop feeling bad about falling for Rye. It's not your fault and you can't go your whole life regretting not feeling a certain way. I love you and you love him. That's the way it is and that's the way it's meant to be. It's risky to mess with fate so don't force yourself to resent where the world wanted you to end up."

"Wow, that's.... deep." I chuckled. He smiled at me, his smile slowly fading as he played with my fingers.

"That doesn't mean I don't wish things could've been different though."

"Sonny.." I sighed. He shook his head.

"Let me finish. I'm super happy for you and I'm glad you're finally getting your happy ending. But I used to fall asleep every night wondering what it'd be like to be your boyfriend. I loved you so much that it physically hurt. I still love you, but the pain is so much worse now that I've had you and lost you. The time I spent with you was the happiest of my life and I don't regret a second of it, you know that right?"

"I don't regret it either. Believe it or not, I was at my happiest when I was with you. Well, not my happiest. But you know what I mean. I was happier with you than I was before we got together."

He smiled. "I'm glad to hear that."

I couldn't help but think of Rye and wonder how his discussion with Brianna was going. I should've had more faith in him, but after everything that happened, I didn't completely trust him and I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up getting back together with her.

I just had to hope this was the end. I had to hope his love for me overpowered the guilt he felt about hurting Brie.

I couldn't deal with any more heartbreak.

authors note -
oh my god this chapter was terrible. i actually hate this but i really don't feel like editing it so whatever.

one last chapter before the epilogue. thank you to everyone who reads, votes, and comments. i love you all❤

bye peasants Xx

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