(2) Cuddles and Awkward 'Dates'

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Andy's POV

"Hey Fovvs!" Rye grinned, running into my room.

"What's up?" He was surprising upbeat for a supposedly hungover guy.

"Fancy coming out for a bit with me?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"You're not my type, sorry." I joked, earning a light shove and a chuckle from Rye.

"Not like that. I meant, since all the boys are out doing their own shit and we don't have anything to do today, I was thinking of meeting up with Brianna. Wanna come?"

"Who's Brianna?" I questioned.

"This girl I met last night. She's really fit." He smirked.

"Why would I want to third wheel your date?"

"She's bringing her friend. Maybe you can get yourself a girlfriend. You haven't had one in a while."

I gave in, knowing there was no use arguing against it since I had nothing better to do. "Fine, I'll come."

"Yes, I'll let her know. Grab your keys and let's go."

He jumped off the bed, heading downstairs. I put my shoes on and followed him out, grabbing my keys and phone. We drove down to McDonald's, since the girls were already there and asked us to meet up with them. We walked inside, Rye's eyes lighting up once he spotted his crush. She stood up to hug him, Rye kissing her on the top of her head. She was rather gorgeous, her long brown hair reaching the middle of her back. She pulled away from Rye, her green eyes meeting mine as she gave me a little wave.

"Hi, I'm Brianna. This is my friend Amelia." She smiled at me, pointing to the short, long haired blonde sat at the table.

"This is my bandmate Andy." He introduced me, and we sat down next to the two girls.

"You're in a band? That's so cool!" Brianna gasped.

We continued like that, Rye and Brianna chatting away as Amelia and I stayed silent. I caught her looking at me a few times, but none of us said anything.

Eventually, we all decided to leave. Rye gave Brianna a peck on the cheek, Amelia and I awkwardly watching the exchange.

"I'm sorry I didn't speak much." She apologised.

"It's fine." I smiled. "I didn't speak either."

She laughed. "Yeah, Brie is more of the outgoing one in our friendship."

"Same with Rye." I chuckled.

Soon, we had all gone our separate ways. Rye and I arrived back at the house and were greeted by Harper.

"Hey guys, where've you been?"

"Oh, just been to see Rye's girlfriend." I teased, making him roll his eyes.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"But you like her." I pointed out.

He smirked. "What about you and Amelia?"

"What about her?"

"Future girlfriend?"

I shook my head, walking into my room.

"I barely know her."

"Well, you can get to know her since we're hanging out again tomorrow night." He said, typing on his phone. Probably texting Brianna.

I chuckled, sitting down on my bed. "Sure Bee."


The next day, me and the boys went to the studio to record some covers, since we weren't doing anything until later. I was sat on the sofa next to Harper, while Rye and Brook recorded their parts. Sonny was sat on the floor, leaning against my legs.

"Hi." He said softly.

I looked down and saw that he was looking up at me.

"You alright Ryry?"

He nodded, standing up and sitting down on my lap.

"You bored?" I laughed.

"No, I just missed you." He smiled, cuddling into me.

"Missed me? I've been here this whole time." I chuckled.

He just shrugged, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

I soon heard light snores coming from his mouth, and I knew he had fallen asleep.

"Is he asleep?" Harper questioned.

I nodded, smiling down at the younger boy.

"Wow, that's strange."

"What do you mean?"

"He never falls asleep when cuddling one of us. He barely ever cuddles us, and if he does, he never initiates it." I looked up at him and he looked genuinely confused.

"Really? Maybe he's just in a cuddly mood." I looked back down at the sleeping boy.

"Maybe. Or maybe it's something else."

"What else could it be?"

He shook his head. "Ignore me. Forget I said anything."

I raised an eyebrow as he shot up, hurrying over to Rye and Brook.

I decided not to think about what Harper had said. I had practically known Sonny my whole life. If there was something going on with him, I would surely be the first to know about it.


That night was just as awkward as the first. Rye and Brianna flirted the entire time, while Amelia and I sat awkwardly, trying to make small talk.

"So, got a girlfriend?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Not right now."

"Oh, well, you got your eye on anyone? A gorgeous lad like you must have a thousand options. You probably have fit girls throwing themselves at you all the time."

"Not particularly. They tend to crush on Rye more than me." I chuckled.

"Ah, well Brie certainly likes him."

"Yeah, he likes her too." I smiled, happy that my best friend was close to getting the girl of his dreams. As a guy who wasn't very lucky in love, it was nice to see him genuinely interested in someone who clearly liked him back.

"How long do you think it'll be before Rye asks her out?"

"Hey, what if Brianna asks him out? It's not always the boy asking the girl." I reminded her.

"True." She shrugged. "You ever been asked out by a girl before?"

I nodded. "Once. I'm quite a shy person, and I really liked her so I couldn't bring myself to do it."

I blushed as she chuckled slightly, looking back over at Rye and Brianna as they flirted, a lot closer than there were a few minutes ago.

"I'll keep that in mind." She smiled.

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