Chapter 4

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Here I am, sitting next to an old woman who isn't enjoying her book by the things she keeps telling me.

"Why can't he just confess his love for her already?"

"what's with all you young adults not being able to tell each other how you feel?" I've learned to just smile and nod, because I'm in no place to talk about others when I'm in the same boat as the characters.

On the other side of me, there is some guy, maybe in his early thirties, who's dressed very professionally. He was on the phone with what I assumed to be his wife, or girlfriend, and he was trying to reason with her. His face has some stubble growing in, and besides the fact that he looked like he was stressed and could use some sleep, he was a pretty attractive guy.

What am I doing on this flight? It's like no one around me has any luck with love, so what makes me think I do? I could be at home watching Netflix and stuffing my face with junk food all day.

I don't even have a plan. Am I supposed to show up to his apartment just like that? That's ridiculous, he might not even want to see me, or maybe he fixed things with stassie and I'm just going to make myself look fucking stupid.

God I need to stop overthinking everything, I'm not helping myself at all. I just have to breath and relax. There's about an hour left until we land, and then I can freak out on the way to his apartment. Just breath.


"Hey mom I just landed in LA" I speak on the phone as I'm waiting for my luggage.

"That's great honey, now go do what you have to do." She laughs into the phone.

"I'm scared mom." I sigh.

"Honey, even if he didn't want to see you, he wouldn't just leave you out on the street." She says.

"Who knows." I say, as I spotted my luggage.

"He won't trust me, now, Lori gave you the address right?" She asks.

"Yes." I say grabbing my bag.

"Okay, don't forget to stand up for yourself if he tries to turns things on you." She says seriously.

"I won't, thanks mom, love you."

"Love you to, now go!" She rushes hanging up.

"Here goes nothing." I sigh waiting for a taxi.


I've been standing outside his apartment building for about 10 minutes. This is it, there's absolutely no way of going back.

"Hi, I'm looking for apartment 102" I say softly to the receptionist.

"You can take the elevator to the third floor." She says not looking up from the computer.

"Thank you." I say, before walking to the elevator.

I heard the ding, indicating that the elevator door was opening. I got in and pressed the level three button. It feels like I've been in here for hours but in reality it hasn't even been a minute.

As I was looking for his apartment number, I didn't realize that tears were coming out of my eyes until one landed on my chest. I was getting extremely anxious. I probably look like shit, I was wearing grey biker shorts paired with a black tank top and an unzipped black sweater along with my white Nike air forces.

As I spot the door, I quickly wipe my tears and fix my hair the best I could using my phone camera as a mirror. I finally knock on the door feeling my heart beat even faster.

"Coming." I hear his voice say through the door. This is really happening.

I hear him unlock the door and before I knew it, we were finally face to face after all these years.

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