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Chiru's pov

"System, Today is the final day of my stay here in the 49th world mission."- I muttered as I stared at the vast sky, I heard system hummed in agreement.

[Going back to day 1, I say host! You renovated this whole boring place into a wonderful chaotic art!] System said cheerfully. I smiled as I gazed at the landscape I'm facing.

Fire...Rotten piles of corpses..... rubbles of large castles and bridges...Burning forests, charcoaled dirt- basically this place is a mess of black and red- the thick smoke rising to the sky- even the sun can't penetrate its light.

"Now then!"- I swivelled and look towards the two humans whose tied up back to back, looking at me with hate, fear, anger and remorse.

"Ai? Why are you both looking at me like that? Remember, if it wasn't for you both letting me in, this present wouldn't happen. It's. Both. All. Your. Faults."- I smiled and walk towards them in a slow leisure manner.

Ml and Fl both glared at me and their killing intent flared on, but it doesn't scare me. I even have the audicy to laugh hysterically at their ugly twisted expressions.

"Pfft! Pwhahahaha! Hahahaha! Youre both so ugly! Hahahaha! What heaven's pair? What standing ontop of the world? Hahahaha! RIDICULOUS! ARE YOU BOTH SO CLEAN NOT A SPECK OF DIRT CAN LAND ON YOUR HUMAN FORMS?! REALLY MAKES ME SICK!"My humor turns to anger as I shouted and kick the ML on his stomach. He lurched forward and grunted. The FL shouted his name in worry, trying to look behind her but she can't.

"Please don't waste your time on worrying about him. You'll have the same worst death that could ever appear in history,"- I snickered as I saw her horrified face.

"Now! Shall we start this execution? I'm so excited!"- I clapped and cheered like a little kid as I take out my blunt dagger from my breast pocket.

"System 999~ please do the recordings okay?"

[On it Host!]- My cute system responds. After I finished my 48th mission worlds with flying colors, The rewards have a section where Hosts can upgrade the system. I chose the soft baby boy's voice for System 999. Knowing he's a Mischevious one by origin, Selling meng isn't hard task for him.

"En, I want it on HD okay?"

[Yes Host~]

I started the torture. I make sure my work will shake them to the very core, mind shattering from insanity and extreme fear. Peeling away their "virtous, godly and charismatic" looks into a horrifying, bloody faces covered with black and blue bruises.

Stepping away and looking at both their lying bodies, I cackled hysterically as I pointed their wasted forms.

"WHAT GOOD FACE?! UNDER THESE SKIN- EVERYONE IS DISGUSTING! HAHAHA! HAHAHAH! LOOK! LOOK AT EACH OTHER AND SPEAK THOSE WORDS OF LOYALTY AND ROMANCE! SPEAK THOSE DISGUSTING NEVER-ENDING LOVE YOU KEEP REPEATING FOR EACH OTHER! That disgust, remorse and rejection you both feeling right now is not even in the same level of those who already waste away and killed by your hands! Hahahaha! Hahahah!"

[Eh... Host, Their already dead...]


I kicked their bodies to face up and look closely at their chests....It's not rising anymore, no heartbeat...

"Tch, I was not finished playing!"

[There there Host, We still have more world mission to mess with, these two waste- Nothing but trash right now"- I feel elated and look at my blunt dagger, blood stains already reached my wrists.

Mischevious System: Destroy the Heaven's Pair!Where stories live. Discover now