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A/N: This is a long chapter, a little reminder to the uncles and aunties (glad I remembered the book's nicknames to its readers' XD) YOU CANNOT SKIP THIS CHAPTER, EVEN IF YOU WANT TO, YOU CANNOT. 

I hope to see you in the comment section and share your thoughts and feelings for this chapter uwu

Enjoy (o゜▽゜)o☆

(p.s. its 12:33 am GMT right now, hahaha *sweats)


'Notice to Host! Kris has sent a detective to know more about Paul M's Identity."- The Mischievous System told his Host who was busy talking with Klio.

"Uhm, Mr. Klio, if it's not a bother, can I ask of you to buy me some chips? ehehe, somehow, I crave for it today..."- Paul said with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Ahaha, is that so? I'll buy you one then,"- Klio said with a smile.

"Thank you very much!"- Paul said and watched as Klio left the room.

"He just started right? What is there to hide from him? Paul M has been away from that hideous past and has no contact- WAIT! System! trace the unknown number from the phone!"

"On it Host! By the way, the Feelings Meter is already at 9%. You're doing good at this Host!"- Mischievous System said to his Host with a cheerful tone on his voice.

"That's expected, I'm trying my best-"- Chiru heard the door opening and immediately acted!

"Oh, sh*t! System phone! right now!"

"Ah? AH YES!"- Immediately System teleported a phone on Chiru's hands in a flash.

"-Yes! Please take care, see you soon!"- Chiru ends the call before looking up and seeing that Kris was back. He just smiled brightly to him before looking back at his phone. He was conscious of this man. 

'I hate the feeling of being unpredictable... If I don't know anything, how can I change it to be favorable to my end? tch! I will really punish that scum heaven's pair and the pests when I get my hands on them.'- Chiru thought before focusing on his phone,

"Say Paul..."- Chiru look up and meet Kris's gaze.

"Do you have other relatives?"- He asked that made Chiru 'Innocently think about it' expression.

"I have no contact towards them, I have been living independently after high school from the orphanage, Why did you ask, Kris?"- Chiru asked with an innocent and curious look as he tilted his head.

'Paul's face is too pure. If its someone else that was questioned like that, of course, they will open up and say the details... Unfortunately, I am not just someone. You're already inquiring about me, why do you keep asking as if we were close before- Wait... that could be a possibility... I have to be cautious about my answers...'

Chiru vaguely answered Kris's questions with a smile on his face. The time drags on and it was finally time for them to leave. Klio and Kris left the room and as soon as the door closes, Chiru let his head fall to the pillows and blew a huge sigh of exasperation and relief.

"Finally the day of interrogation is done! Ugh! So exhausted!"- Chiru heaved another sigh before he asked the Mischievous System about the unknown number.

"According to the data, I collected... It was already dead as of the past two weeks, the last location where it was used was... on the same building of your condo Host!"

Mischevious System: Destroy the Heaven's Pair!Where stories live. Discover now