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Chiru woke up in immense pain but he didn't flinch or groan. After the 50 world hopping he did, he was already used to the pain as the blood lust keeps growing bigger and bigger.

His system peered at him as he laid still on his bed, System 999 is nervous because  his Host needs to recover fast because of the breach that happened on their 50th Mission World.

"H-Host, I-I'm sorry to say but our 50th Mission World is a failure, the person who killed both the heaven's pair wasn't you and you got a deduction from your points."- He reported while being uneasy. Chiru sat up and inspect his body before staring at his system quietly, he saw his system fidget and looks like he wanted to say something.

"Speak, what happened to the 50th World?"- He asked seriously.

"Y-You see Host, there was some unrest in the SYSTEM FACILITY and some higher-ups were careless and let few "illegal world hoppers" to jump into the other occupied worlds like ours. We don't know the specifics and the identity of those people, but the higher-ups are now keeping tabs on the Hosts that got tangled with the Illegal world-hoppers. For now, we need to go to the System Facility so that they could interview you and give compensations,"- System said and stared at him.

"Host, do you blame me? I'm sorry! I thought I was doing well and providing you with my best- on that world I slipped and almost got you astray! I'm sorry!"- System 999 said in a self-blaming tone as he looks down at his hand. Chiru sighed before running his fingers through his black short hair.

"I don't blame you since you tried your best to connect with me and take me back, that is enough. As you said, the blame is on the Higher-ups, let's go to that place and get the clearer view of what really happened with those illegal world-hoppers."- Chiru said and stood up, System 999 nodded eagerly and stood in front of him,

"Host, although I look like this and my experience is only little against the other systems, I will fight back and safeguard you! Nobody is allowed to bully! We will only bully others and the heaven's pair in every world to satisfy our boredom and our existence. Do not worry! I'll be stronger and grow even more!"- System 999 vowed with a resolute look on his face, Chiru smiled at this and nodded, bending down to ruffle his hair. 

"You are a Mischievous System, not hardworking nor lazy, but with a lot of mischiefs. Vowing like that makes me feel strange but it is good,"- Chiru said and smiled at him.

"I got your back Host! Do not worry!"- System 999 said and he transported both of them to the System Facility.

The System Facility is unlike any other things you could compare from "EARTH", per se, it looks "out-of-this-world". The place looks very shiny with a weird metal that "shines and glitters" with the "stars" outside the large floor-to-ceiling thick transparent glasses. the large space had a wide circular table that looks like the same with the materials from the walls. The chairs are in the shape of a small pod that lets you rest your back. There were no people yet in the large conference room. Chiru asked System 999 about this, 

"Host, I'm not trying to bully you, but those other Host-System pairs are wandering around the place. I would rather be punctual than anger "Origin. It's best if we don't actually see them at all."- He said and we sat next to each other. 

"Can you tell me some information that you could give me about this facility?"- Chiru asked his system leisurely.

"The basic knowledge is simple. In the System Facility, there are groups that work and made distributed work for the vast mission worlds. The Top Management is the Origin. Origin is the person that maintains the mission worlds and grip on the higher-ups to not stray from his given space and missions. The Middle Management are the higher-ups, They distribute the work, rewards, points, and items each Host used for the world-hopping missions. The Last Management is the Systems and Hosts, Systems gathered the missions and items the Hosts needs to make a successful mission and keep track of the regulations so that nobody will commit a crime. Hosts as you already know, we complete the tasks and gain enough points to buy items and help you to go back into the reincarnation cycle. 

Mischevious System: Destroy the Heaven's Pair!Where stories live. Discover now