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Chiru only stared at the information they gathered before asking the mischievous system about the profiles of those that he will kill. The system sulked but still handed him a hundred profiles of filthy pests. 

"Killer, murderer, psychopath, sociopath, pedophile... Wow, system, since when did you search for all these files?"- the more that Chiru looks, the more he is satisfied and giddy for action. Since they were all active these past few months, He is eager for more action and bloodlust. Being with Kris was too peaceful, he was dying in boredom already!

[I just know that they are all suitable opponent to you. Besides, if you don't practice now, I fear that A. I. space will malfunction because of you,]- Mischievous system sweats before looking away. Chiru pinched his cheeks before letting go. His system is very sensitive, just a small pinch and his white skin are already like a ripe peach.

[~( TロT)σ Host! Don't bully me! Did I not give you a list of toys already? Why are you pinching me? Meanie!]- The Mischievous System whined with a grieving tone while sulking. 

"Okay, it's my fault, stop sulking and monitor the heaven's pair, I will go and deal with these pests."- Chiru said and look up from his seat. Kris was there and has been calling him for a while. Chiru gave him a flustered look before responding, saying his apologies many times in a hurry. Kris stopped him with a small smile. Paul has been jumpy lately that made him not only worry but also find the other person cute.

"No need, Let's go out to eat lunch now. We still have to go to the second branch at A City."- Kris said and Chiru hastily nodded. He packed up his files, laptop, and other necessary documents before following Kris down to the parking lot. They went to a five-star western restaurant and went to a private booth, a few minutes before they just settled in, Mischievous System issued a warning to his Host saying that a spy was sent inside the restaurant targeting him. Chiru blinked before excusing himself to go to the comfort room, Kris just nodded while looking at his phone. Chiru wandered a bit in the restaurant while the system scans for the said spy.

"Is this spy from the pests? or from heaven's pair? But that's impossible because we didn't meet at all. Who sent them?"- Chiru asked the Mischievous System while walking to the comfort room of the restaurant. 

[I don't have a clear view of the whole picture, Host. But maybe if I scan this rat, I could extract some information from him.]- The System said, Chiru only nodded and went inside, He casually look left and right, before looking at his watch. The System pointed out the person from the second cubicle. 

'If that is 'that' target, then there is no need to hesitate.'- Chiru thought before kicking the door open. The lock broke and Chiru crouched down before lunging at the other person who was still disoriented with a gun in one hand.

"Start the scan."- Chiru ordered his system before taking out his blunt dagger and plunging it deep on the other's side. The other person didn't get to utter a scream as Chiru immediately covered his mouth with his free hand and stab the dagger to his neck. Blood splurts to his face 

[Host, you look like a mess.]- Mischievous System commented as he watched his host cleaned up his mess. 

"Give me perfume, I don't need to smell like blood."- Chiru said and open his palm, his system gave him a perfume from the system mall.

"...I smell like a ripe peach..."- Chiru frowned before giving it back to the system after he used it. He locked the door of the comfort room and put a yellow sign in front, before going back to Kris.

[The data that I gathered from the spy is that the transaction was made by a third party. It's useless information]- The Mischievous System told his host as they ate their lunch. 

Mischevious System: Destroy the Heaven's Pair!Where stories live. Discover now