NEW 2.1

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When Chiru woke up inside the Mission World, his body was feeling sluggish and weak, with his blurry eyes and heaving chest, it was almost like he came back from the dead. Chiru heard a noise from his side and he looks in its direction. There was a teenager who was peeking at him with bright red eyes- the pair of familiar eyes that Chiru has grown accustomed to.

"System... Why is my body feeling like this?"- Chiru frowned as he tried to sit up and rest his back on the sofa. System 999 sat beside him and told him about the condition of his new body.

"The original soul's body died due to overdose of drugs, its rather odd that in the story, Paul M. withdraws from Modelling and died from overdose due to the fact that his family history was exposed. Why is that Host?"- System 999 asked his host with a clueless look on his face.

"Why don't you try to help me get to my senses first and sell me a medicine huh? Aren't you too curious right now?"- Chiru asked with a ticked mark on his forehead. He's not against the system asking questions but it doesn't mean that he can neglect his own host who is right now, still feeling the drugs and death himself. 

Feeling embarrassed, System 999 blushed from embarrassment before he took the medicine from the system store and gave it to his host while apologizing. Chiru drunk the medicine and immediately felt the effects of the medicine making him feel much better and stronger.

"About his suicide, it's probably because the society's view about his family history is not considered normal or lowly. Let's check it out for a moment."- Chiru said and used the cellphone on the coffee table. He opened the social media app and in no time he saw the threads and trend posts about Paul M's background history.

"A Mafia Heir, parents both died from a police encounter and an orphan. It shouldn't have an impact if he was just a fodder... but exactly who targeted him to get to the point of taking his life?"- Chiru mumbled to himself before he looks at the contacts of the phone.

"... Whose this unknown number? Maybe there's more to it than we know..."- Chiru said before he closes the phone and looked at the system beside him. 

"We should lay low first in case the person who wants this body dead will come back and put us both at the risk of danger," He said the two of them did their research while getting shelter inside the apartment. Nobody was suspicious outside the apartment for the last two weeks and there's nobody who was keeping an eye on their location. That was the time that Chiru decided to go out and hunt for a job for a specific reason.

"System, how do we get to know that invisible tyrant?"- Chiru turned and asked the system.

"Sorry Host but I do not know, as his title implies, He is invisible and nobody exactly knew him except for his name."- The system said to him before the system talked about the severity of the collapse of the world at the current moment. 

"Host, because the Pests was here for quite a while, I cannot get the right and proper information of the characters in this world- Those lowlives tampered everything!" The system was angry and pout while crossing his arms. 

"Then I'll just go and do some job hunting then. The closer to the head, the better. I'll be a secretary in this life then."- Chiru decided and look through the closet for clothes. The system readies his resumes. Chiru wears a white polo shirt and tight black pants and black shoes. He used wax to brush his hair back. 

"Host, where are you going to apply for the jobs?"- System 999 asked his Host whose preparing coffee and milk for both of them.

"The best way to get closer to the Invisible Tyrant is to work under one of the two entertainment agencies: The Star- Shine Agency and the Sunny Agency. Give me a copy of my resume, let me see if there's some extra information to give input."- Chiru said and System 999 walk towards him with a copy of his resume. As they both drink their drinks, Chiru pointed out his surname in this world.

Mischevious System: Destroy the Heaven's Pair!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum