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R/N: Okay~ Before you all try to sue me for being a bad author I'll back myself up with reasons/ excuses ×D

1. I got a recent accident, im still healing (ಥ_ಥ)。

2. Im in my vacation so lemme get some rest before getting cooked to college again| ᐕ)⁾⁾

3. Writers block. GOMENASAI! (´;ω;`)

4. Idle person who wants to laze around. I know, I suck 😂

5. I basically need to pull it hard to update because I need "inspirations" whereas Chiru the shameless goes all out going downtown (s e x) so hold up!  ITS A TORTURE TO A VIRGIN OKAY?! TORTURE!!! *sob hysterically*(( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ)

6. I actually really want to do some research per say for my MC, since he's a Psychopath with a strange fetish and bloodlust running amok to different worlds *bow* so I want to thoroughly play his part seriously (ಠ.ಠ)

7. I'm actually planning to finish the 2nd Arc of Pet System first before updating to others because I tend to mix up the plot on my head and that's not nice at all *pouts* (ԾεԾ|||)

8. Author is a lazy person with a lewd personality, please don't hate me *sob*

9. I want to practice writing actions and gore type of writing to make this book interesting? I still don't know how >~<

10. POLICY CHANGED! 100 READS= 1 UD, Sorry this book is draining my brain juice so sorry guys.

TO THE UPDATE!!!! (≧∀≦ゞ(≧∀≦ゞ(≧∀≦ゞ

"Ugh! Fucking pain in the ass, Do I have to start from scraps and create myself a bad and powerful sect? I'm too lazy for that,"- I frowned as I walk in the streets going to the main road. Its been 4 weeks after I went to the west and left a gift to Li pig. So far the peace was restored and everyone was picking themselves up from the mess they created.

The rumors flew far and wide that Li Kaishi's group went off with the beauties along with the riches from this town. What they didn't know is that I killed off those pigs and saved the beauties, but! I didn't cure that poison from them, I just made them go in coma and told system to store them away to keep their youthful and delicate appearances- of course cleaned them too.

Well, enough of that, I figure it out that I can't get a good and powerful number of subordinates here in this place because everything lacks in here. So I'm going to hitch-hike the carriage of those Villainous siblings from another continent.

While waiting for that day to arrive, I just robbed a few people their food, clothes and silvers. I resided at a cave on the mountains, its much easier to rob and the mountains and forest became my playground.

Right now, I'm hunting a wild pheasant. Its was too quick witted I stumped my foot on the ground for the third time I failed.


While chasing and hunting the pheasant, System suddenly warned me.


My eyes widened as I ducked, seeing a dagger stuck deep on the ground, I started to crawl to the bushes to hide.

"What the hell is going on?!" I asked System 999, baffled.

[Host less talking and start crawling! Faster!] System 999 urged me as I crawled towards my cave. when I'm near the cave, I stood up and pat my robe off  some dirt before turning my gaze to system 999.

"Now can you explain?"-I asked with a raised eyebrow.

[Host, I really didn't know, aside from us taking the plot to ruins- somebody else was also trying to do that too- this ambush- I didn't saw it on the plot at all!]

"Do you mean to say... we have a system enemy here in this mission world?"- I asked with a frown.

[I still don't know Host, I will re-scan the mission world. It'll take this system about a whole day, please try to stay hidden and do not go outside this cave okay? please wait for me!] and in a flash he was already gone.

I laze on the opening of my cave while getting tanned- lol I don't want to get tanned at all but I like the sun rays on my skin and the air in the cave was cool, very comfortable.

I ate my lunch and continue my nap inside. After half a day, System came back and told me his reports.

[WARNING! A SYSTEM HAS BEEN DETECTED! That system is called: " STEAL THE VILLAIN AND KILL" SYSTEM, its Host's profile was well-hidden, This system didn't know or even get to hack through their firewalls!

HOST! BE WARNED! Both System and Host are ruthless and inhumane-killing every living being in their sight! Please be careful!]


"System... You seem to forget... Your Host is a notorious Psychopath remember?"- I stood up and walk towards the outside of the cave.

[Host you-]

"You keep monitoring that pair, I have to run amok and rebuild a sect for my own."

[Yes Host, on it!]

Now, while system is out, let me have some fun for a while. Going deeper inside the cave, the glowing crystals lighting up the large space.

I access to my storage and browse to the females that were caught from Li Kaishi, The Zao-girl was really one of the best beauties of this country, but she's not my type. Lan girl is up to my liking: long brown hair with pale skin  and supple breasts. Her five facial features are good and innocent very much to my liking. Mhn, I'll take her today.

Watching as Lan open her eyes and stood there in daze with her naked glory, my rod gets turned on. I walk around her and keep my hands on her body. I massaged her firm butt, her sexy waist and her supple breast. After I had my fun, I told her to crouch down with her legs wide open. Seeing her flower dripping with transparent water, I got curious and eager for a taste, and so I did.

"Mhm... It's sweet..."- I mumbled as I pressed my lips hard against her flower and darted my tongue inside her flowing juices. I grew bore of it after a few licks and ordered her to respond to my ministrations on her body. I slid my middle finger inside her flower and watch her moan and bite her lower lip. I added another two and pump it hard and fast, hitting her g-spot over and over again, her legs trembled as she moans.

I stopped and lay on the flat ground, ordering her to bent down and ride my cock. I watched as she took my cock inside her flower and feel her tight walls accommodate my cock. I may be too small for a teenager like her but when I grow up, I'll fill her up to the hilt.

I help her hit her g-spot and slam my cock against her flower as she moans. I told her to play with her breast, watching in amazement as milk run down from her breast. I sit up and lick up all the spilled milk, sucking on her left breast as she tightened her walls around my cock and shuddered, coming. I pulled out of her and told her to suck off my cock, eyeing her as her tongue envelope on my shaft and her fingers playing with my balls. I come after a few seconds.

Before I put her away, I suck on her milk and cleaned her up before storing her. I also cleaned myself and took off to take the Fire Phoenix Sect now.

Mischevious System: Destroy the Heaven's Pair!Where stories live. Discover now