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well technically it's not a mass update since its only one/two-three maybe each book but you get the hint X)

HAVE FUN WITH THIS NEW CHAPTER! (cuz I know I did ✪ ω ✪)


July, XXXX

The Star-Shine Agency and the Sunshine Agency sent their two pair of big shots to the filming site of the incoming hit film "The Fate Lies".

This is about four different people who were played by Fate, twisting their favorable nature into sick and bad endings.

There was a couple named Wang Fang and Feng Cheung who were engaged to each other by there parent's will since young. The two gradually fall in love with each other and decided to tie the knot. Wang Fang is a famous noblewoman who is a master of poetry, she gains the favor of the nobles and the royal family with her own hard work and talent. Feng Cheung is a talented scholar, he aced the imperial exams and has received the title of a marquis in the royal meeting.

They were both happy and contented, it was like the heavens were merciful on the couple. However, they were met with a test and started to shake their relationship.

Zhen Jia, a beautiful and outstanding noble princess from a neighboring country took a liking to Feng Cheung and  started to court him. She follows him, give her opinions to him that could help in the royal meeting and didn't forget to care for him. Feng Cheung was against her feelings at first, but the genuine feelings bear in the maiden's eyes moved him and accepted her feelings. 

On the other hand, A rich noble merchant called An Zhang Yong went to Wang Fang's home and asked her hand in marriage. He showed her his sincerity, always staying by her side when she's outside, spoiling her and driving her out of harms way. The maiden was touched and moved by his love and goodwill, accepting his feelings. 

Both parents of Wang Fang and Feng Chueng were against the outsiders' courting, watching as they children split paths of fate and followed the unknown strangers, they cannot do anything other than withdrawing the engagement. Only a month passed, the neighboring kingdom struck war with their country and the unprepared city was engulf in flames, death and wreckage. 

In the midst of chaos, Wang Fang and Feng Chueng met each other at the lake outside the city, they wondered and fear about the opponent. They fled to the forest and hid for quite some time. Unfortunately, they were caught and seized back to the castle. On the throne room they saw their lovers seating on the golden throne, intimately talking to each other. The two were both shock and felt betrayed and bitter. Falling for someone in a such a short time, they were just there to seize the kingdom and rule over them!

Villains! They are the real villains on there lives! When they were thrown to the prison, Wang Fang ad Feng Chueng apologized to each other and reconciled, after two days, they commit suicide, dying next to each other filled with love and hate. 


When they all read the script that day, others can't help but look at the four leads. Hey, isn't this script... having too much dog blood and drama?

The director and scriptwriter who were paid handsomely to make the script: ... shut up and proceed!

The first week of filming was for costume fitting, locations for the filming, the schedule and the equipment needed for the whole duration of filming. The following week, everyone was immersed in the film, NG's are counted by the hand but there are satisfactory shoots which made the whole schedule smooth. 

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