Part 17

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You know the feeling when you accidentally anger your monster mate? No? Well, that's kinda whats happening to me. I think I lived a good life. 

"Aniket..." I slowly walk up to him and it feels like he's gonna explode. I touch his arm and and he blasts Zain, knocking him unconscious (i think). Then, he quickly lifts me up bridal style and zooms quickly to our place. I couldn't even see our surroundings until I am slammed down onto a bed with him on top of me. 

He growls and his eyes are black. I gulp and look away from his eyes. Aniket just makes a primal growl noise and forced my head and eyes to look back to his. His face is inches away from mine. 

"What are you doing mate?" He says, no snarls at me. 

"Um right now? Well isn't it obvious?" Great job Kaaya. You probably made him angrier. He slams his hands near my head and I squeal.

"Do not test me, mate." Ook. 

What now? 

"Um. IamsorrybutIamhungry.CanIhavefood?" I don't know how he understood me, but it worked! He sighs.

 "Mate." Or not. "You know that I am going to tear him apart, right? Oh and you are forbidden from being with any other guy other than me!" Well, I knew that was coming. I smile sweetly and he brings his lips closer.

 I close my eyes. I feel something wet against my cheek. He licked me! Ew! I am about to wipe it off, but he growls warningly. I smile sweetly instead. I guess he is kinda like an animal in this state. His eyes turn lighter, Aakil is back. 

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